
Develop Local Curriculum Processes

Whereas local curriculum committees continue to assume new responsibilities in course and program approval, which include delegation of approval authority, establishing prerequisites and the likelihood of distance education,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge local senates to continue to develop effective curriculum processes.
M/S/U DISPOSITION: Local senates

Usable Curriculum Handbook

Whereas local academic senates are responsible for curriculum development, and

Whereas the current Curriculum Standards Handbook is not user friendly, and

Whereas in the spirit of shared governance, the chief instructional officers need to be involved,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges direct the Executive Committee to work with the appropriate groups to develop a handbook which is brief, usable and computer accessible.
M/S/C DISPOSITION: Executive Committee, Chancellor's Office, CIOs

Curriculum Committees

Whereas class size has pedagogical and quality implications in instruction,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to local senate that local curriculum committees, when reviewing new and existing courses and programs, consider the instructional implications of class size, including multiple sections and distance education.
M/S/C DISPOSITION: Executive Committee, Local senates

Noncredit Curricular Standards

Whereas AB 1725 recognizes the noncredit programs as part of the mission and goals of the California Community Colleges, and

Whereas while the course offerings to the noncredit student do differ, they often parallel the college's credit offerings, and

Whereas it is in the best interest of the student, the college, and the State of California to assure that the noncredit courses include consideration of Title 5 standards of integrity and success, and

Academic Freedom

Whereas the individual teaching faculty is educated, trained and current in experience in the presentation of his or her subject matter, and

Whereas the individual teaching faculty is intimately and regularly involved with his or her students and knows them individually and collectively, and

Whereas the individual teaching faculty is ultimately responsible for the motivation, instruction, and evaluation of each student in his or her care,

Delegation Checklist Revision

Whereas the Chancellor's Office has delegated authority to the local colleges to approve curriculum, and

Whereas it is the responsibility of the college curriculum committee to meet the conditions of delegation,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges revise the Delegations Checklist, Appendix D, of the Curriculum Standards Handbook to include the signature(s) of the curriculum committee chair(s).
M/S/U Disposition: Chancellor's Office, Executive Committee, Local Senates

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