
Breakout Sessions on Lecture/Lab Issues

Whereas collaborative learning, team teaching, computer-aided instruction, and distance education are critical to effective instruction, and

Whereas such innovations can significantly alter the definition of instructional workload and fair compensation, and

Whereas the Carnegie unit definition of lecture, lecture-lab and lab are based on traditional delivery systems, and

Whereas this situation is seriously impeding our ability to institutionalize the most effective delivery systems for our students,

Special Education Courses

Whereas the minimum qualifications for academic staff working with students with disabilities have been set forth m Title 5. Section 53414, and

Whereas it is recognized that expertise in instructional planning for all disciplines/academic areas in the California community colleges rests with discipline faculty, and

Whereas the responsibility for course approval remains with campus curriculum committees,

Volunteer and Service Learning

Whereas the newly developing program of Service Learning in California's community colleges promotes community service linked directly to academic learning and

Whereas students in courses across the curriculum are enabled to have real-world learning experiences in a variety of service situations, which tie directly to their classroom instruction, and

Whereas the program creates a mutual benefit between students and the community and encourages an enhanced sense of civic responsibility in keeping with the community college mission, and

Prerequisite Models

Whereas validation of program prerequisites has created hardships for many colleges and their students, and

Whereas based on valid research, individual colleges have developed profiles of successful students in their Allied Health programs, and

Whereas every community college cannot complete the extensive research necessary to validate programs and prerequisites,

Curriculum Standards Handbook

Whereas the Model District Policy mandates approval of courses and prerequisites by college curriculum committees based on "a detailed course syllabus and outline of record, tests, related instructional materials, course format, type and number of examinations and grading criteria...," and

Whereas the Curriculum Standards Handbook states that "courses ...will be taught in accordance with the course outline," and

Whereas these and other statements in the Curriculum Standards Handbook may be construed in some quarters to restrict academic freedom,

Development of Catalog Guidelines

Whereas catalogs are the most important self-advising tool students have, and

Whereas catalogs are the primary way students, other colleges, and the general public understand courses, programs, and requirements, and

Whereas existing colleges treat information vital to students and information required by law, in different formats, sometimes omitting crucial areas, and

Whereas students and others must use catalogs from different colleges,

Compressed Courses

Whereas more and more colleges are offering courses in a "compressed" format, (e.g., a full-length course in two to four weeks), and

Whereas the pedagogy and learning effects of such compressed courses have not been researched or discussed,

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to study and research compressed course offerings, including the effects on student learners, and

Good Practices in Basic Skills

Whereas community college instructors must be current in matters of pedagogy as well as expert in their disciplines, and

Whereas half of community college students enroll in at least one basic skills course, and

Whereas an ever increasing number of instructors are assigned to basic skills courses, and

Whereas a paper on good practices would be valuable to support the efforts of faculty teaching basic skills courses,

Program Discontinuance

Resolved that the Academic Senate adopt the document "Program Discontinuance: A Faculty Perspective," and

Resolved that the Academic Senate hold a breakout at the 1998 Fall Plenary Session on the implementation of the program discontinuance process.

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