Equity and Diversity

Fully Using the Registry

Whereas, Title 5 53021 (a) mandates that all full-time faculty and administrative positions must be posted on the Equal Employment Opportunity Registry (Registry);

Whereas, The Registry also has the capacity to post part-time faculty and classified staff positions as well as the capacity to maintain the names of those seeking faculty positions, whether full- or part-time;

Establishment of District EEO Plan Advisory Committee

Whereas, The Academic Senate embraces the concept of increasing diversity in faculty hiring;

Whereas, The Board of Governors has approved a new model Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Plan that will be the basis for future hiring plans for California community colleges;

Whereas, Each district must adopt an EEO plan by November 2007; and

Whereas, Title 5 53005 requires each district to establish an EEO Advisory Committee to assist the district in developing its plan;

Diversity and the 60% Limitation on Part-Time Faculty

Whereas, Less than 30% of part-time community college faculty are of color (California Community Colleges System Office Data Mart, Fall 2004 data);

Whereas, A change in the 60% law that permits the teaching of more sections by individual instructors creates less opportunity for increasing faculty diversity since fewer part-time instructors teach more classes and this may reduce opportunities for those from diverse backgrounds seeking community college teaching experience;

Faculty Hiring Training

Whereas, The Board of Governors has approved a new Model Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Plan that will be the basis for future hiring plans for all California community colleges and embraces the concept of diversity hiring;

Whereas, Each district must adopt an EEO Plan;

Whereas, Community college faculty should play a major role in the drafting of their district's EEO Plan and in the hiring process for faculty; and

Whereas, Once the plans are created there will be a need for resources to assist in diversity hiring training;

Student Equity Initiatives

Whereas, Faculty, administrators, and students in several individual California community colleges participate in the Equity for All and the Campus Change Network initiatives, which focus on student equity issues;

Whereas, The California Community College System Office, including the Chancellor and the Equity and Diversity Advisory Committee, has supported these initiatives in hopes of boosting student equity;

Whereas, The participating colleges have begun to assess their experiences and findings in achieving student equity; and

Statewide Student Equity Strategy

Whereas, Updated Student Equity Plans were due into the System Office by January 31, 2005; and

Whereas, There is no coherent statewide approach to addressing system-wide equity issues;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with the System Office to examine statewide student equity data, including aggregate statewide data for the five indicators of student success: access, retention, degree and certificate completion, ESL and basic skills completion, and transfer;

Diversity in Hiring

Whereas, The composition of the faculty in California community colleges does not reflect the diversity of the students;

Whereas, Research studies indicate that a diverse faculty can improve critical thinking and enhance learning outcomes for all students;

Whereas, Coalitions of education organizations say that students achieve better when there are campus faculty that reflect their diverse background; and

Whereas, A diverse faculty can improve education across the board and can help narrow the achievement gap;

Student Equity Plans

Whereas, California community colleges are bound by state and federal legislation to provide a working and learning environment that reflects the rights of all students to study and to access services in an environment which is equitable and free from discrimination and harassment;

Adoption of Affirmative Action Handbook

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges considers a diverse faculty to be of great benefit, not only to all members of the campus community but also to the larger community of which the campus is a part;

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges believes that conformity to the Affirmative Action Regulations of Title 5 constitutes no more than the exercise of sound hiring practices; and

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