Equity and Diversity

Systemwide Anti-discrimination Statement Change

Whereas the CSU and UC systems have anti-discrimination statements that include the words "sexual orientation," and

Whereas the California community college system's anti-discrimination statement does not include the words "sexual orientation,"

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge the Board of Governors to work with the legislature to add the words "sexual orientation" to the anti-discrimination statement for the California community college system.

Student Equity Plans

Whereas, Colleges are required to submit an up-to-date student equity plan by April 2004;

Whereas, The Board of Governors has made student equity among its highest priorities for 2002-2003; and

Whereas, Many faculty and local senates may lack expertise in recommending substantive goals, actions and activities for their college's student equity plan;

Sexual Orientation

Whereas there is currently a review of Title 5 and the Education Code by the Chancellor's Office, and

Whereas the Academic Senate passed resolution 3.0l. (S 97) asking for the addition of the words "sexual orientation" to the California Community College anti-discrimination statement,

Resolved that the Academic Senate work with the Chancellor's Office, in its review of Title 5 and the Education Code, to include "sexual orientation" in the anti-discrimination statement for the California Community College System.

Affirmative Action Workshop

Whereas California has a majority minority population as we turn from the 20th Century into the 21st Century, and

Whereas this diverse population should be reflected in our faculty and students, and

Whereas affirmative action training has been inadequate in California community colleges and there is a possibility that such training will suffer more from the passage of Proposition 209,

Proposition 209

Whereas the makers and proponents of Proposition 209 deliberately deceived voters by calling Proposition 209 a "civil rights" initiative, and

Whereas it has been an historical American principle of justice to oppose laws that are antithetical to democratic ideals of equality and justice,

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge local academic senates to continue to implement the Senate's many positions in support of affirmative action, and

Gender Equity in the Education Code

Whereas gender equity is a key component necessary for student success and satisfaction in occupational education, and

Whereas the Chancellor has indicated to the Legislature that he intends to "streamline and revise" the Education Code and Title 5 pertaining to the colleges, and

Whereas much of the Education Code and Title 5 use language that is gender biased (e.g., "manpower"),

Student Equity Plans

Whereas, Each California community college is required to submit an updated Student Equity Plan by July 2004;

Whereas, The Academic Senate adopted the revised Guidelines to Developing a Student Equity Plan, and the Board of Governors adopted the Equity and Diversity Taskforce Report (Fall 2002); and

Whereas, Local academic senates have been charged with formal commitment to equity and diversity;

Americans with Disabilities Act: Compliance and Capital Outlay

Resolved that the Academic Senate reaffirm its Resolution 3.1 (F93) asking that local senates be knowledgeable about the Americans with Disabilities Act and how it affects their colleges, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate recommend to local senates that they monitor how capital outlay funds, under new Board regulations, are being spent to meet ADA needs at their colleges.

ADA Student and Staff Equity

Resolved that the Academic Senate recommend to local senates:
1. that they encourage their colleges to provide staff development training regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act - ADA;
2. that they encourage their colleges to inform students of their rights under ADA to be properly matriculated into classes;
3. that they encourage their colleges to review job descriptions for faculty and staff for compliance with ADA in order to create a more diverse faculty and staff; and

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