
Presidential Term of Office

Whereas the duties and responsibilities of being president of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges are very time consuming, and

Whereas it is crucial that there be continuity in the leadership of the Academic Senate,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges instruct the Executive Committee to write a proposal to amend the Senate Bylaws, making the term of the president a two-year term, and

Program Review Advice

Whereas Title 5 requires every district to develop and implement program review, and

Whereas the faculty desire a consistent; quality program review process in the California Community Colleges, and

Whereas the purpose of program review is to strengthen the educational delivery system,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges direct the Executive Committee to make available, to local senates requesting them, appropriate program review models, and

Curriculum Breakout

Whereas the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges is encouraging college curriculum chairs to attend the semi-annual meetings of the Academic Senate, and

Whereas the cost of attending such meetings continues to escalate, and

Whereas college budgets are continuing to tighten, making such multiple delegate attendance difficult for colleges to afford,

Chancellors Selection Process

Whereas an understanding about faculty participation in the Chancellor's selection process was subverted in favor of perfunctory participation, and

Whereas the Board of Governors process provides for only two faculty, with eight other people, to review resumes and forward ten to fifteen names without interviews to the executive committee of the Board of Governors who will forward one name to the Board of Governors for ratification, and

Whereas this procedure would deny the faculty an effective and influential role in the selection of the Chancellor, and

Senate Delegate Roles and Responsibilities

Whereas it is important that delegates to sessions of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges be informed of their roles and responsibilities, and

Whereas the importance of maintaining the integrity of a true representative process in forwarding business at sessions cannot be over emphasized,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges adopt the paper, "Senate Delegate Roles and Responsibilities" and refer it to the local senates for implementation.
M/S/U Disposition: Executive Committee, Local Senates

Part-time Faculty Issues: Comprehensive Solutions Study

Whereas the California community colleges are teaching and learning institutions and all students deserve full-serve professional faculty to guide their educational activities, and

Whereas the California Legislature has recognized that there is only one type of faculty by establishing a system of minimum qualifications for all faculty positions under the disciplines list recommended by the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, and

Basic Skills

Whereas proposals have been made to reduce the standards in mathematics, English and reading to require only a secondary credential to teach basic skills courses in those disciplines, and

Compressed Courses

Whereas more and more colleges are offering courses in a "compressed" format, (e.g., a full-length course in two to four weeks), and

Whereas the pedagogy and learning effects of such compressed courses have not been researched or discussed,

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to study and research compressed course offerings, including the effects on student learners, and

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