
Support Revised Title 5 Associate Degree Requirements

Whereas, The Intersegmental Committee of Academic Senates established a “singular lower division general education pathway that meets the academic requirements necessary for transfer admission to both the California State University and University of California” named the California General Education Transfer Curriculum (Cal-GETC) [1] as required by AB 928 (Berman, 2021) [2];

Support Supervised Tutoring for all Students

Whereas, AB 1187 (Irwin, 2022) [1] was approved by the Governor of California on September 30, 2022 and amended California Education Code §84757 by adding the following paragraph to subdivision (a): “(10) Supervised tutoring for foundational skills and for degree-applicable and transfer-level courses, as authorized pursuant to regulations adopted by the board of governors on or before July 31, 2023.

Support AB 607 (Kalra, 2023), If Amended

Whereas, AB 607 (Kalra, as of February 17, 2023) [1] proposes to modify California Education Code §66406.9 [2] by adding the requirement that the California Community Colleges “prominently display, by means that may include a link to a separate internet web page, the estimated costs for each course of all required course materials and fees directly related to those materials, for no less than 75 percent of the total number of courses on the online campus course schedule.

Separate CSU Approval for “Golden Four” Courses

Whereas, The minimum transfer admission requirements to the California State University for California community college students are the completion of 60-units of baccalaureate-level coursework with a grade point average of 2.0, which must include the satisfactory completion of courses in the “Golden Four” areas of oral communication, written communication, critical thinking, and mathematical and quantitative reasoning;

Faculty Approval of High School Articulation Agreements

Whereas, California Code of Regulations Title 5 §55051 states that “the term ‘articulated high school course’ means a high school course or courses that the faculty in the appropriate discipline, using policies and procedures approved by the curriculum committee established pursuant to section §55002, have determined to be comparable to a specific community college course,” [1] which suggests that policies and procedures guiding established high school articulation agreements are within the purview of local academic senates; and

In Support of Identifying and Addressing the Need for LGBTQIA+ Student Centers on All California Community College Campuses

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) embraces equity principles for all in its Values Statement, [1] which states, “The ASCCC empowers faculty from diverse backgrounds and experiences, promoting actions resulting in inclusion, diversity, equity, anti-racism, and accessibility through its publications, resources, activities, policies, and presentations” and “believes that collaboration with others and faculty engagement improve professional decisions made locally and at the state level”;

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