Adoption of the Updated Paper, Student Equity: Guidelines for Developing a Plan

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Executive Director
State and Legislative Issues
Status Report

The paper was published and is now posted on the Senate web. Ongoing. Current goal of EDAC.

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges adopted in 1993 the document Student Equity: Guidelines for Developing a Plan in furtherance of the Board of Governors' Student Equity Policy;

Whereas, The Board of Governors established in 1996 the adoption of a student equity plan as a minimum standard for districts' receipt of state funding but did not require that those plans be regularly updated;

Whereas, The Chancellor's Office Task Force on Equity and Diversity recommends, in its soon-to-be-published report, that district student equity plans be updated and implemented; and

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, in Resolution 6.01 F00, has called for the regular updating of district student equity plans;

Resolved, that the Academic Senate adopt the updated paper Student Equity: Guidelines for Developing a Plan; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate work with local academic senates on the revision and implementation of their district student equity plans. MSC Disposition: Local Senates