Advanced Placement (AP) Equivalency Lists

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Articulation and Transfer
Status Report

We have done a lot on AP, especially in light of the Das Williams legislation last year.  I do not know how much of it has been intersegmental.

Whereas, Increasing numbers of community college students request course credit based upon Advanced Placement (AP) scores;

Whereas, The policies for awarding AP credit differ significantly among community colleges and between community colleges and universities, creating confusion for transfer students;

Whereas, The last update of the California State University (CSU) General Education AP Equivalency list was in 1995, while there is no AP Equivalency List for IGETC; and

Whereas, The lack of AP Equivalency lists also impacts both the CSU and University of California (UC) systemwide major preparation patterns (the CSU Lower Division Transfer Pattern and Transfer Preparation Pathways, respectively);

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges strongly recommend that the CSU and UC system offices work with their academic senates to identify general education areas and major preparation patterns deemed appropriate for the application of AP credit; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the Intersegmental Committee of Academic Senates to study the wide variance among community colleges and universities in the awarding of AP credit and make recommendations for local senates to consider. MSC Disposition: UC and CSU Academic Senates and System Offices, ICAS