Chancellor’s Office Template Protocols

Resolution Number
Assigned to
C-ID Leadership
Status Report

The Chancellor's Office process now includes releasing Chancellor's Office Templates for Transfer Model Curriculum only on September 1 and February 1.  

Whereas, The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office requires templates for submission of Associate Degrees for Transfer, and it is critical that the availability of the Chancellor’s Office Templates (COTs) be predictable and that any change in a COT be communicated in a timely manner;

Whereas, The Intersegmental Curriculum Workgroup has recommended that new COTs be posted twice a year, February 1 and September 1;

Whereas, The System Advisory Committee on Curriculum has recommended that COTs meet the stated deadlines of September 1 and February 1 as identified by the Intersegmental Curriculum Workgroup; and

Whereas, The Chancellor’s Office has modified COTs without explanation, removed COTs without explanation or notice, and back-dated COTs when the expected dates for initial posting were missed;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges adopt the position that the February 1 and September 1 dates are designated for the release of new Chancellor’s Office Templates (COTs); and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges request that the Chancellor’s Office refrain from posting revised Chancellor’s Office Templates (COTs) on dates other than February 1 and September 1 unless the posting is clearly communicated via a protocol developed in conjunction with the Academic Senate.