Degree Requirements: Math Requirements

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Curriculum Committee
Status Report

The committee reviewed the work done by the 02-03 committee and completed a paper; the first draft is being read at Exec June 2004. It is expected that the paper will be published in Fall 04. The committee held two Curriculum Colloquia in Feb. 2004 to gather widespread input and encourage discussions.

Whereas, For many students the AA/AS degree is a terminal degree enabling employment in vocations with educational needs that do not include transfer level mathematics;

Whereas, The rigor of the mathematics requirement should be based on a level of mathematical sophistication appropriate for the AA/AS degree, not based on bachelor's degree requirements;

Whereas, Increasing the mathematics requirement may present unnecessary and inappropriate barriers for students in achieving an AA/AS degree; and

Whereas, Increasing the mathematics requirement may have a disproportionate impact;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate support the right of local faculty, working through their local academic senates, to determine whether requirements beyond elementary algebra best meet the needs of the student population and communities they serve. MSR