Develop Retesting Guidelines for the Common Assessment

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Transfer, Articulation, and Student Services Committee
In Progress
Status Report

2017 - 18: The committee will discuss a process and timeline for developing the re-testing guidelines.

Whereas, Title 5 §55522 (b) specifies that “Each community college district shall adopt procedures that are clearly communicated to students, regarding the college's sample test preparation, how the student test results will be used to inform placement decisions, and the district's limits on the student's ability to re-test”;

Whereas, Existing district policies often permit students to retake an assessment test after some period of time, but that period of time can vary greatly from one district to another, with some districts allowing students to reassess immediately while other districts require students to wait several years; and

Whereas, The Common Assessment will ensure that all community college students are assessed using the same assessment exam, and variances between district policies could create equity issues for students that do not have access to a district with a less restrictive retesting policy;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with the Chancellor’s Office to develop guidelines for the development of assessment policies that maintain local control over retesting policies and procedures while maximizing access for students and distribute the guidelines to local senates and curriculum committees prior to the availability of the Common Assessment to all colleges; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge local senates to delay revision of current policies regarding retesting for placement until after the distribution of assessment retesting guidelines.