Developing Goals for Faculty Development Committees

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Faculty Development
Status Report

This resolution is superseded by the work of the Chancellor's Office Student Success Initiative Professional Development Committee of 2012-2013, on which the Academic Senate had strong representation. The third resolved clause describes the SSI PDC as it was constituted, and the all three resolved clauses were incorporated into the work of the committee, including the emphasis on more funding for professional development. The Academic Senate will continue to pursue the goals of this resolution as through the revision of its paper Faculty Development: A Senate Issue, scheduled for Fall 2014.

Whereas, Due to the state budget crisis, funds for professional development are being routinely slashed for colleges across the state, and as a result faculty development opportunities and activities, which are the lifeblood of our faculty and a major component of student success, are being cut;

Whereas, Re-educating and enriching faculty professionally is an essential component of faculty growth and student success and a key component of AB 1725;

Whereas, According to a survey conducted by the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, 75% of 58 colleges responding indicated that they had no stated goals or outcomes for their professional development committees; and

Whereas, In order to restore funding to appropriate levels now or in the future we need to mount a unified movement for appropriate professional development funding among all our constituent groups;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge local academic senates to require that their faculty development committees create outcomes and goals for their committees;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges encourage local senates and faculty development committees to work with their administrations to make faculty development a high priority on their campuses and to look for creative alternatives to provide professional development funding for faculty; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges create a coalition of Faculty Development groups inviting participation of the following: the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges faculty development committee, California Community College Council for Staff, Program and Organizational Development (4C/SD), the faculty unions, the Chancellor’s Office, and other interested parties with liaisons between the groups to develop a strategy to push for the 2% level of faculty development funding that was guaranteed by passage of AB 1725.

MSC Disposition: Local Senates