English Placement

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Transfer, Articulation, and Student Services Committee
Professional Standards
Direct the Executive Committee to work with the English and counseling faculty to develop a statement of good practice in using diagnostic instruments and multiple measures to assure appropriate placement of students in writing and composition courses.
Status Report

Common state-wide assessment efforts via CCC Assess are addressing the issue of diagnostic instruments. CLFIC chair engaged in conversations with the Curriculum chair on concerns surrounding application of multiple measures as it relates to the prerequisites paper. Similar concerns have been voiced during CCC Assess discussions and the Ed Policies chair/ASCCC Vice President is recommending ASCCC draft an effective practices document to help guide campuses in determination, application, evaluation of multiple measures.

Whereas both English and counseling faculty often are responsible for placement of students in the appropriate English writing and composition courses, and

Whereas the use of multiple measures has created on some community college campuses conflict over practices of student placement in writing and composition courses, and

Whereas the appropriate placement of students in writing and composition courses is very important for the success of students,

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to work with the English and counseling faculty to develop a statement of good practice in using diagnostic instruments and multiple measures to assure appropriate placement of students in writing and composition courses.