Fostering Dialog between Adult Education and Noncredit

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Noncredit, Pre-Transfer, & Continuing Education Committee
General Concerns
Status Report

This resolution was replaced by 9.01 S14.  Update 7/23/15: These conversations are ongoing under the purview of AB 86 & the 70 consorita.

Whereas, Adult education and community college noncredit programs share a common origin, both having emerged from the K-12 system in response to the particular needs of adult learners for educational options that are not part of credit programs and the future of these two types of programs is also intertwined;

Whereas, Both adult education and community college noncredit programs face similar funding challenges, with all state adult education funds now open to “flexibility” usage by underfunded K-12 districts and noncredit courses and programs receiving lesser funding;

Whereas, Both K-12 adult education and community college noncredit serve adult learners, which has given rise to a wide variety of locally-determined approaches to serving this specific student population in their communities and which needs to be recognized by and included in the California Department of Education’s strategic plan for adult education; and

Whereas, Improved communication and coordination between adult education instructors and community college noncredit faculty are essential in order to better serve the needs of local communities and to respond to challenges, including budgetary reductions;

Resolved, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges encourage noncredit faculty statewide and the members of the Academic Senate’s Noncredit Committee to engage in discussion with representatives of the California Department of Education’s Adult Education Division about the future of adult education/noncredit programs in the State of California.

MSC Disposition: Local Senates