Local Certification of Qualification for Single Course Instruction

Resolution Number
Professional Standards

Whereas, In 2002 Academic Senate Resolution 10.09 S02 stated opposition to single course equivalencies, and in 2003 CCCCO Legal Opinion 03-28 by Ralph Black, requested by the Academic Senate, opined that single course equivalencies are not compliant with Title 5 regulations and Education Code;

Whereas, In some instances eminently qualified professionals, who may be the only individuals qualified to teach a narrow set of skills and competencies, may not easily meet the minimum qualification parameters of professional experience, subject matter expertise, and general education proficiencies;

Whereas, Minimum qualifications and processes to establish equivalency to the MQs take very different forms from discipline to discipline, college to college, and region to region, potentially creating a system of structural inequity because critical classes are not offered due to the inability to hire faculty; and

Whereas, A system of appropriate parameters could be established that would allow districts to locally certify candidates to teach a single course;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges research the extent of these concerns and explore the feasibility of establishing a local single course certification and report the results to the body by Spring 2016.

MSR:   Referred to the Executive Committee for clarification and to publish a Rostrum article on the issues identified in this resolution by fall 2015 and to bring back a perfected resolution to the body by fall 2015.