Maintaining Physical Education and Other Courses as Credit Courses

Resolution Number
Assigned to
General Concerns
Request that the Board of Governors dismiss the recommendation of the 2009 Legislative Analyst's Office Budget Analysis report to re-classify physical education courses and maintain that all credit courses currently taught on campuses in the discipline of physical education be classified and funded as credit courses; additionally request that the Board of Governors dismiss the recommendation of the 2009 Legislative Analyst's Office Budget Analysis report to re-classify any current credit courses as noncredit and maintain that all credit courses currently taught be classified and funded as credit courses.
Status Report

President and vice president have voiced this view to Consultation Council on multiple occasions.

Whereas, A budget analysis report dated January 29, 2009, from the California Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) proposed that the "Legislature reduce the funding for credit bearing P.E. courses . to the regular non-credit rate" and further argued that Physical Education (P.E.) activity courses should not receive the same level of funding as other college courses because these courses are "not transferable" and are "primarily for students' personal enjoyment";

Whereas, The LAO report further stipulated that, under this recommendation, "these courses would continue to be classified as credit; only the funding rate would change," which means that if P.E. activity courses were re-classified as non-credit, this would amount to half the FTES funding rate for credit courses;

Whereas, This recommendation from the LAO report dismisses the value of the curriculum and instruction of not only P.E. courses, but other courses listed in the LAO report; and

Whereas, P.E. courses are an integral part of the course offerings for students and our collective mission as community colleges;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges request that the Board of Governors dismiss the recommendation of the 2009 Legislative Analyst's Office Budget Analysis report to re-classify physical education courses and maintain that all credit courses currently taught on campuses in the discipline of physical education be classified and funded as credit courses; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges additionally request that the Board of Governors dismiss the recommendation of the 2009 Legislative Analyst's Office Budget Analysis report to re-classify any current credit courses as noncredit and maintain that all credit courses currently taught be classified and funded as credit courses.

MSC Disposition: Board of Governors, Consultation Council, Chancellor's Office, Local Senates