Noncredit Minimum Qualifications

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Standards and Practices Committee
Disciplines List
In Progress
Status Report

The Noncredit Committee concured that the first thing to do was to move these regs into the disciplines list. Making this change was proposed to CCCCO Vice Chancellors Bruckman and Russell. Due to staffing shortages and extensive workload this item was no priority. Update 6/25/2015: The entire Disciplines List will be taken through the rules making process to incude all minimum qualifications. As this goes forward, revised title 5 sections should be submitted to remove the existing minimum qualifications.

The entire Disciplines List will be taken through the rules making process to include all minimum qualifications. As this goes forward, revised title 5 sections should be submitted to remove the existing minimum qualifications. UPDATE 12-16-16: Referred resolution 10.03 F16 sought to work with organization representing the faculty in the affected disciplines to explore the best way to move forward with implementing this resolution. However, because that resolution was referred, this resolution will be addressed by the committee at a later time. 2017 - 18: The chair will contact the appropriate constituents to determine the best method to address this resolution. Note: This resolutions is 7 years old and should be addressed this year.

Whereas, Noncredit education is an integral component of the California community colleges and is essential to the colleges’ mission and role in serving California;

Whereas, The allowed noncredit offerings in the California community colleges serve areas such as access, equity, adult educational advancement, vocational training, citizenship, and the health and well being of many communities, including the disabled, new parents and older adults, and immigrants;

Whereas, Noncredit and credit programs should ensure educational rigor, processes, and high standards of quality in a manner consistent with public higher education in California; and Whereas, Currently, noncredit disciplines, areas of instruction, and minimum qualifications for noncredit faculty are not contained in the Disciplines List because they were instead directly included into Title 5, reflecting outdated K-12 regulations, and are consequently more difficult to maintain in a manner that best meets community needs and legislated expectations, particularly with regard to SB361 (2006) regulatory changes such as Career Development College Preparation;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges establish a task force of noncredit faculty to examine the existing noncredit faculty minimum qualification regulations in consultation with the appropriate constituents for the purpose of placing the qualifications in the Disciplines List, thereby implementing the same processes that are currently used for all other disciplines, faculty, and administrators; and

Resolved, That Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend the noncredit minimum qualifications be removed from Title 5 §53412 and placed in a separate category in the Disciplines list.

MSC Disposition: Local Senates