Use of Rubrics to Recode Courses Below Transfer (CB 21*) to Create Assessment and Placement Data

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Noncredit, Pre-Transfer, & Continuing Education Committee
Work with California community college partners, such as the Chancellor's Office, the Chief Instructional Officers, the Chief Student Services Officers, researchers, and the Action Planning Group (APG) on Assessment to explore the possibility of using the CB 21 rubrics to create a method of capturing pre-collegiate assessment data at the state level.
Status Report

The coding has been completed for the 2009-2010 academic year. Numerous regional meetings were used to train faculty, staff and researchers for recoding. The Basic Skills committee has completed its work on this resolution. The Basic Skills ARCC report uses this methodology to report assessment levels.

Whereas, The California Community College System is currently unable to collect system-wide pre-collegiate assessment and placement data on students, which impedes our ability to help students with basic skills needs;

Whereas, Agencies such as the Board of Governors, Legislative Analyst's Office, and other external groups support assessment data collection but advocate the use of a single statewide assessment instrument, replacing locally validated assessment instruments;

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges in Resolution 18.02 F07 supported the authority of faculty to determine appropriate assessment instruments and procedures on their respective campuses, including the selection of assessment instruments and how they are used in the placement of students; and

Whereas, The CB 21* rubrics create a common statewide matrix that could be used to collect comparable pre-collegiate assessment and placement data for students statewide while retaining local control of assessment;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with California community college partners, such as the Chancellor's Office, the Chief Instructional Officers, the Chief Student Services Officers, researchers, and the Action Planning Group (APG) on Assessment to explore the possibility of using the CB 21 rubrics to create a method of capturing pre-collegiate assessment data at the state level.

*Coding courses below transfer level to track student progression is known as CB 21 coding

MSC Disposition: Statewide organization for the CIOs and CSSOs, Research and Planning Group, Chancellor's Office, Local Senates