Academic Senate

Academic Senate Annual Report on Accomplishments and Operations

Whereas, In keeping with its principles and commitment to excellence, the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges regularly reviews its organizational effectiveness by conducting evaluations after every event, commissioning external audits to assess its policies including internal controls and financial viability, reviewing and revising processes for tracking and completing resolutions, reviewing the executive director’s performance every other year, and periodically evaluating and reconsidering its committee structure, diversity statements, and other key policies;

Periodic Evaluation of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges

Whereas, Commitment to the public good and accountability to its members and the public at large are core values of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges as noted in its Code of Ethics Policy (10.00), including the eight domains of personal and professional integrity, mission, governance, legal compliance, responsible stewardship, openness and disclosure, program evaluation and improvement, and inclusiveness and diversity;

Caucuses Procedures and Guidelines and Bylaws Revision

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges values all forms of diversity and, as stated in its diversity policy, “recognizes the benefits to students, faculty, and the community college system that are gained by a variety of personal experiences, values, and views that derive from individuals from diverse backgrounds” and “encourages diverse faculty to participate in Academic Senate activities and supports local senates in recruiting and encouraging diverse faculty to serve on Senate standing committees”;

Part-time Faculty Award

Whereas, In the Fall of 2010, the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges passed a resolution (01.05) creating a yearly award for a part-time faculty member “that recognizes excellence in teaching and outstanding contributions to the campus environment and to student success, and that the award amount and presentation be consistent with other comparable faculty awards given by the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges”;

Communication with Community Colleges in Other States

Whereas, There are national issues and trends that affect community colleges not only in California but also in other states; and

Whereas, There may be benefits to the Academic Senate and the California community colleges in developing relationships with community colleges in other states;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges explore whether to establish a dialog or method of networking with faculty or academic senates in other states; and

Assessment of Inclusive Practices

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has a commitment to faculty diversity in all its forms as stated in its Diversity Policy; and

Whereas, The Academic Senate values self-reflection and evaluation of its responsiveness to all faculty across the state;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges conduct a self-study to assess the effectiveness of its efforts and the perceptions of the success of these efforts to promote equal opportunity, including collecting data on the inclusion of diverse voices and opinions; and

Professional Development for Successful Implementation of SB 1440 and AB 2302

Whereas, SB 1440 (Padilla, 2010) and AB 2302 (Fong, 2010) stress the need for Senate responsibility for degree development and implementation, as well as establishing the most effective methods to inform students, counseling faculty, and the general public about the transfer pathways;

Whereas, Degree development is an academic and professional matter and under the purview of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges; and

Suspend Rules to Test New Ballots

Whereas, Section I.G.2) of the Academic Senate Rules for the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges is very specific about the design of the ballot and the process used by delegates when electing officers and representatives;

Whereas, There is great interest among delegates, senate presidents, and the Executive Committee to test new ballot designs that may be more environmentally friendly and more efficient to use; and

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