
Prerequisite Enforcement

Whereas prerequisites have been established to contribute to the achievement of student success, and

Whereas California community college districts have created policies and procedures for the establishment and enforcement of prerequisites, and

Whereas, despite the effort of faculty to complete the validation process, prerequisite enforcement has not been consistent statewide,

Comprehensive Curriculum Technical Assistance Service

Whereas the standards and requirements for community college curriculum are many and diverse, and

Whereas it is important to review curriculum not only at the course and program level but at the college level, and

Whereas colleges often need assistance in reviewing curriculum either in preparation for accreditation or as a result of an accreditation recommendation, and

Whereas the nature of a full college curriculum review is such that great benefits can accrue from the use of facilitators from outside the college,


Whereas a number of faculty and CCCAOE presented information at the Certificates breakout during the 1998 Fall Plenary Session, and

Whereas conflicting issues and inadequate information prevented the delegates from defining and resolving the issues, including the term "skills awards," the reference to a regional coordination structure, inadequate distinction between credit and noncredit programs, and incomplete guidelines,

Curriculum Model

Whereas California community colleges must respond to the needs of a changing student body population, and

Whereas because of welfare reform, many students will have increasingly limited time to attend traditionally scheduled and offered classes, and

Whereas the need to develop alternative approaches to the delivery of education is of paramount concern to faculty, and

Whereas alternative educational institutions such as National University, other private institutions, and the virtual university are competing for our students,

Senate Basic Skills Task Force

Whereas the Torres bill (SB 1764/92) asked for the granting of certificates of proficiency in ESL and Basic Skills and the Senate has not taken a clear position regarding such certificates, and

Whereas community colleges are facing many issues regarding basic skills and basic skills instruction including accountability, the need for professional development for faculty teaching basic skills, better articulation with high schools, and a clear understanding of the community college mission regarding basic skills, and

Substitute Motion for Resolution 9.06

Whereas, Current programs in California community colleges serve a wide variety of student and community needs;

Whereas, Local colleges and districts are best qualified to assess the needs of students in their programs and communities;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges support the right of local faculty, working through their local academic senates, to determine what writing course requirements within current Title 5 standards best meet the needs of the student populations and communities they serve.

Amend Title 5 Requirement for English (see 9.06R F 02)

Whereas, A mission of the California Community Colleges is to prepare its students for transfer to four-year institutions or for a career by providing two years of college-level study for which students receive an Associate of Arts or an Associate of Science degree;

Whereas, All students, in order to be prepared to succeed in their chosen fields of employment, need to develop their abilities to read and write critically, comprehend and react to ever more complex texts, conduct research and prepare reports; and

Oral Communication

Whereas, Students who enter the workplace need effective oral communication skills to interview, work in groups, give reports and interact with the public and co-workers;

Whereas, Students who transfer to many universities need to complete an oral communication course to graduate; and

Whereas, Many community colleges do not require oral communication proficiency or coursework for Associate of Arts (AA) or Associate of Science (AS) degrees;

Basic Skills

Whereas, Students who are unprepared for college-level course work represent all ethnic, racial and economic groups and make up at least fifty percent of incoming students;

Whereas, Basic skills programs align instruction in reading, writing, mathematics and study skills technically study skills is not identified as basic skills in Title 5) with counseling and financial aid to create an efficient use of resources; and

Whereas, Many basic skills students declare goals of degree, certificate and/or transfer, according to Chancellor's Office data;

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