
Program Prerequisites

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges adopted Resolution 9.5 S96 asking for models of program prerequisites to assist the validation of such prerequisites, and

Whereas the proposed resolution 9.2 F96 would, if adopted, help to implement Resolution 9.5 S96

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to begin to find program prerequisite models in order to expedite the implementation of Resolution 9.5 S96.

Title 5 Changes on Establishment of Curriculum Committees

Whereas a 1996 spring Executive Committee resolution asked the Senate Curriculum Committee to address potential conflicts between Title 5 Sections 55002 and 53200 on the establishment of college and district curriculum committees, and

Whereas the Senate Curriculum Committee felt changes could be made to Title 5 Section 55002(a)(1) which would clarify the conflicts between the two sections of Title 5;

Instruction in California State Politics and Government

Whereas, The California community colleges have generally accepted that the California State University (CSU) requirement in American Institutions should be taught for transfer credit at all community colleges;

Whereas, CSU expects that students completing one course in American Institutions will have studied both American and California governments;

Whereas, The typical American Government course taught a tour 108 colleges may not currently include the appropriate instruction in California Government and Politics; and

Vocational Students and the Math/English Requirement

Whereas, Vocational programs may have accrediting agencies that are specific in the requirements needed in a particular field of work (e.g., nursing);

Whereas, Vocational education is a critical component of the mission of California community colleges; and

Whereas, Occupational Education faculty are currently underrepresented on the Senate's Curriculum Committee;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges ensure that the occupational education perspective inadequately included in its study on the math/English requirement.

Raising English and Mathematics AA/AS Requirements

Whereas, Resolutions 9.04R F02, 9.05R F02 and 9.06R F02 referred to the Executive Committee the issue of whether to recommend changing Title 5 Regulations (55805.5, Paragraph (c)) to raise the level of minimum requirements for the associate's degree in English and mathematics;

Whereas, Resolution 9.01 S03 urged "local senates to engage their campuses in a full discussion of possible options and approaches for addressing the level of English and mathematics courses required for graduation, as well as discussion of advantages, disadvantages and consequences of any such changes";

Definitions of Course Level

Whereas, Many discussions of current curricular topics involve course-level discussions using terms such as "basic skills", "pre-collegiate", and "college-level";

Whereas, Such discussions are often hampered by the fact that understanding of these terms differs among individuals, community colleges, and systems of higher education; and

Whereas, A common understanding of such terms is necessary for productive discussion of curricular topics;

Delegation of Authority

Whereas the Chancellor's Office Interim Committee on Curriculum is currently developing procedures for moving colleges from interim to continuous delegation,

Resolved that the Academic Senate support the concept of regional colloquia for those faculty and staff involved in the development, review, and approval of curriculum.

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