Diversity and Equity

Support for LGBT Inclusive Curricula and Anti-bullying Efforts

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Executive Committee Policy 30.00, Diversity, defines diversity based on, “but not limited to, race, ethnicity, gender/sex, sexual orientation, sexual identity and expression (transsexual/transgender) disability status, religious and political affiliations, age, cultural background, socioeconomic status, academic and vocational disciplines, full- and part-time status. . .” ;

Affirmative Action

Whereas the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges has affirmed that equal educational opportunity for all California citizens is of compelling interest and necessity for the future of the State of California, and,

Whereas the Board of Governors and the Chancellor's Office of the California Community Colleges, and the California State Legislature have been noted for their long-standing commitment to the principle of equal opportunity and affirmative action, and,

Affirmative Action Laws

Whereas California Community Colleges should be in the forefront of affirmative action, and

Whereas there are federal and state statutes, regulations, and enforcement procedures that could strengthen affirmative action in community colleges, and

Whereas these statutes are scattered through the Education Code, California Fair Employment law, federal law, and Executive Orders, and

Whereas it is difficult to trace these laws, and

Whereas it is necessary for college faculty to be aware of these laws in order to carry out affirmative action goals,

Teaching Incentives

Whereas the Academic Senate supports affirmative action in the hiring of new faculty members, and

Whereas it is essential to provide adequate staffing for the community colleges in the years ahead, and

Whereas the Joint (Legislative) Committee for Review of the Master Plan has directed the Student Aid Commission and CPEC to "explore programs intended to increase the possibility of students entering the teaching profession in the community colleges,"

Affirmative Action, Recruitment

Whereas the need to hire many additional faculty members in the community colleges during the 1990's will occur because of the increase in retirements, the projected increase in college enrollments, the implementation of matriculation, and the expansion of programs in vocational education, and

Whereas the Academic Senate has long supported a policy of affirmative action to ensure that community college faculty reflect the diversity of the population of the State of California,

Affirmative Action Guidelines

Whereas the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges has affirmed that equal educational opportunity for all California citizens is of compelling interest and necessity for the future of the State of California, and

Whereas the Board of Governors, the Chancellor's Office of the California Community Colleges, and the California State Legislature have been noted for their long-standing commitment to the principle of equal opportunity and affirmative action, and

High School Retention Study

Whereas the Academic Senate recognizes the changing demographics in the state, and

Whereas the community colleges have stated a commitment to affirmative action, and

Whereas the high school dropout rate among some minorities has increased to such a point that there is a disproportionately small pool for subsequent affirmative action hiring for community colleges,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges study the problem of the high school dropout rate, particularly among some minorities, and

New Majority Student Grants - State Senate

Whereas the Academic Senate has facilitated the development of New Majority Student recommendations, and

Whereas the Senate does not currently have funding to implement the New Majority Student recommendations,

Resolved that the Academic Senate seek funding from the Fund for Instructional Improvement and other sources to carry out the Academic Senate's New Majority Student recommendations, including the development of local programs by academic senates to sensitize faculty and staffs to the many diverse needs.

New Majority Grants - Local Senate

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend that the Hoard of Governors of the California Community Colleges establish the needs of the "New Majority" as a "Type B" priority item in the Fund for Instructional Improvement (FII), and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to the Chancellor's Office that it promote and encourage the local colleges to apply for HI grant proposals that reflect this priority, and

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