Diversity and Equity

Vocational Education Advisory Committees

Whereas vocational education advisory committees provide a link with the communities served by community colleges, and

Whereas the information provided by vocational advisory committees helps shape programs and policy,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend that local senates, through their affirmative action committees, encourage local vocational faculty members to make every effort to appoint underrepresented minority members to their vocational advisory committees.

Affirmative Action Achievement

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges conduct research to determine which colleges made the greatest strides in affirmative action hiring in 1989-90 and then present a general session in the future with a panel comprised of representatives from the five colleges with the best records, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges formally commend these colleges for that progress.

Hiring Model

Whereas at its 1989 Spring Session, the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges adopted a model hiring document, "Contract Faculty Hiring Procedures: A Model Based on AB 1725" with the understanding that revisions would be made, if necessary, to refine the document, and

Whereas the Affirmative Action Committee of the Academic Senate has studied the document in regards to its possible impact and ramifications upon hiring of the underrepresented, and

Sign Off

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges request that the state Chancellor's Office require local academic senates to sign off on campus/district Affirmative Action Plans.


Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge local senates to adopt the following policy relating to search processes: when, at the point of selecting candidates for interviews, there appears to be a pool of underrepresented candidates insufficient to project a good possibility of hiring affirmatively, the position should be reopened at least once.

Affirmative Action Goals

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to the Board of Governors that it take action to apply the affirmative action goals of AB 1725 to all community college staff, including managers, classified personnel, and contractors.

Affirmative Action and Senate Participation

Whereas AB 1725 has mandated greater participation of faculty in the governance of California community colleges, and

Whereas there are few underrepresented faculty involved in the local and statewide academic senate,

Resolved that a model be developed by the Affirmative Action Committee of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges which will help facilitate and enhance access and participation of the underrepresented faculty within the local and statewide academic senate.

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