General Concerns

Update System Guidance for Noncredit Curriculum

Whereas, Changes to regulations governing course repeatability, the recent efforts at realigning adult education (AB 86 and AB 104, Budget Committee, 2013), the recent equalization of funding for Career Development and College Preparation (CDCP) noncredit class apportionment with credit class apportionment, the ongoing funding for student success efforts including Basic Skills, Equity, and Student Success and Support Programs, and the Recommendations of the California Community Colleges Task Force on Workforce, Job Creation, and a Strong Economy (August 14, 2015)  are all resulting in an in

Addition of Course Identification Numbers (C-ID) to College Catalogs and Student Transcripts

Whereas, California Articulation Number System (CAN) designations were typically included in college catalogs, typically in a list with the University of California Transfer Course Agreement and at the end of each course’s catalog description;

Whereas, CAN has been replaced by Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID) designations which indicate that a course outline of record is aligned to an intersegmentally developed descriptor, establishing intrasegmental articulation and often permitting inclusion in Associate Degrees for Transfer;

Creating a Common Assessment Reporting Tool to Detail Student Skills

Whereas, Current assessment instruments generate a single score that is used locally to place students into courses in English, Reading, English as Second Language (ESL), and Mathematics;

Whereas, Recommendation 2.1 from the 2011 Student Success Task Force called for the community colleges to “develop and implement a common centralized assessment for English reading and writing, mathematics, and ESL that can provide diagnostic information to inform curriculum development and student placement;”

System-wide Collaboration on Violence Prevention Programs

Whereas, The provisions in both the federal Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 and California Education Code §67386 require California Community Colleges to “implement comprehensive prevention and outreach programs addressing sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking” with the outreach programming to be included in every incoming student’s orientation;

Dual and Concurrent Enrollment

Whereas, California Education Code (§48800 and §76001) permits colleges to allow high school students to enroll in college courses where the course is offered at the college or at the high school and where either only college credit is earned or both college and high school credit are earned, and in all cases apportionment is only collected by one, either the high school or the college;

Improving Student Success Through Compliance with the 75/25 Ratio

Whereas, The California Legislature stated in AB 1725 (Vasconcellos, 1988) that “If the community colleges are to respond creatively to the challenges of the coming decades, they must have a strong and stable core of full-time faculty with long-term commitments to their colleges”;

Whereas, The full-time/part-time faculty ratio since 1993 has, statewide, steadily declined from 63.2%/36.8%[1] to 56.14%/43.86% in 2013[2];

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