Local Senates

Faculty Participation in the Creation of Course Enrollment Maximums for Community College Departments and Courses

Whereas, Previous Academic Senate for California Community Colleges presentations have recognized that course enrollment maximums are maximum student enrollment limits specified for each course, and course enrollment maximum determinations have sometimes been made inconsistently on the basis of classroom size and other arbitrary factors;

Increase Part-Time Faculty Representation and Communication through Local Part-Time Faculty Liaisons

Whereas, Part-time faculty comprise the majority of the faculty on every community college campus [1] and are vital to the success and retention of students throughout the California Community Colleges system, and the representation of part-time faculty is crucial for the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) and California Community College Chancellor's Office to fulfill their respective missions;

Ensuring Adequate Online Education Support for California Community College Faculty and Students

Whereas, The COVID-19 pandemic forced a quick pivot, within weeks after California Governor Newsom’s March 19, 2020 Stay At Home Order, of most of California’s community colleges’ course offerings from in-person to online teaching and learning;

Whereas, Most of this online teaching and learning necessitated faculty and students quickly learning how to use and navigate learning management systems (LMS) and other online educational tools and services for course delivery and engagement;

Integration of Guided Pathways Work and Institutional Processes and Structures

Whereas, The funding to support institutional transformation as codified by the California Community Colleges Guided Pathways [Award] Program is coming to an end, with the final allocation of the remaining 10% in July 2021;

Whereas, The work of establishing and improving a college’s guided pathways framework is integral with all institution-wide work;

Guided Pathways, Strategic Enrollment Management, and Program Planning

Whereas, Previous resolutions and papers from the Academic Senate have encouraged faculty participation in curriculum development, program planning, enrollment management, and scheduling;[1] 

Whereas, California Community Colleges Guided Pathways is intended to create a sustainable framework for institutions to develop local implementations that serve the needs of all students in helping them identify and meet their educational goals; 

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