
Matriculation Assessment/Placement Task Force Recommendations

Whereas, The Academic Senate convened a Matriculation Assessment/Placement Task Force in Fall 2004 to gather information for a report to the Consultation Council on matriculation, and in particular the areas of assessment and placement;

Whereas, The Task Force included representatives of the Academic Senate, the System Office, the Chief Instructional Officers, the Chief Student Services Officers, and Matriculation Professionals; and

Advisory Committee

Whereas matriculation will have a significant impact on the instructional program, and

Whereas it is essential that faculty be meaningfully involved in the development of all components of campus matriculation plans, and

Whereas as the Chancellor of California Community Colleges has stressed the importance of the faculty role in the development and implementation of matriculation programs,

Matriculation Report

Whereas the proposed "technical changes" to the matriculation regulations are in some instances substantive changes, and

Whereas the Academic Senate acknowledges that the Chancellor's office staff has responded to two Senate concerns in the "technical changes", and

Whereas matriculation issues require in-depth study and analysis,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges accept the Educational Policies Committee discussion paper on Matriculation dated October 6, 1991, and

Matriculation and Noncredit

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recognizes that an increasing number of students are enrolled in noncredit basic skills and noncredit ESL courses, and

Whereas these students are generally new Californians who require vigor and vitality in college support services to ensure their success in transfer and vocational courses, and

Whereas it is critical that these students be prepared for transfer and vocational coursework, and

Multiple Measures

Whereas the intent of matriculation regulations is to foster student success, and

Whereas English and mathematics courses require an entry skill level for students to have a reasonable chance of success, and

Whereas matriculation regulations require the use of multiple, uncorrelated measures for placement (whether advisory or mandatory), and

Whereas under matriculation an assessment test must meet standards of validity, reliability, and be unbiased, and

Whereas the other multiple measures are not required to meet the same standards, and


Whereas matriculation should be a powerful method for increasing the rate of student success, and

Whereas matriculation will have a significant impact on prerequisites and the transfer curriculum at local campuses, and

Whereas there is great concern that matriculation is becoming a compliance process with little effect on student success, and

Whereas there has been enough experience at various colleges to permit wide publication of the biggest problems and most effective techniques,

Matriculation Site Visit Teams

Whereas matriculation is a process in which faculty have a vested interest, and

Whereas not all matriculation site visit committees have faculty representatives, and

Whereas the standing orders on consultation require faculty representation on state committees to be appointed by the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges,

Amendment to "Establishing Prerequisites" Document

Eliminate lines 707 through 715 and replace with the following:Each college shall establish a formal process to ensure that faculty both cover the topics listed in the course outlines and evaluate students using the criteria specified in that outline. The process shall be established by consulting collegially with the local Academic Senate and, if appropriate, the local bargaining unit.

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