
Prerequisite Policy Timeline

Whereas prerequisite regulations are effective November 4, 1993, and

Whereas the matriculation plans for 1994-1995 are not due until October, 1994, and

Whereas the matriculation plan submission requirements due October, 1994 allow the option of not having prerequisite policies in place, but to be completed by a date specified by the district, and

Whereas ongoing curriculum discussions will not enjoy the rigor of local district prerequisite policies, and

Mandatory Matriculation Site Visit

Whereas the Seymour-Campbell Matriculation Act of 1986 (AR 3) requires the Chancellor to evaluate the utility of matriculation services to students, and

Whereas the Matriculation Act authorizes the Chancellor to retain up to 5% of matriculation funds for enforcement of the Act, and

Whereas matriculation site visits have been an integral part of the implementation plan for matriculation services, and

Whereas such site visits have provided invaluable assistance to local college faculty in providing support services to students,

Matriculation Site Visit Teams

Whereas the Academic Senate has passed a resolution recommending that the Senate appoint the faculty to matriculation site visit teams, and

Whereas when the recommendation was forwarded to the Chancellor and the answer was "NO," and

Whereas there are reports from local senate presidents that the faculty serving on these teams do not understand the role of the local senates in the matriculation process, and

Whereas because of this lack of understanding, the local senates have not felt their concerns were heard or supported,

Use of Assessment Instruments in Areas Other than English, ESL, and Math

Whereas Title 5 requires assessment instruments to be approved by the Chancellor's Office, and

Whereas a procedure for approving English, ESL, and math assessment instruments is in place but no such procedure exists or is contemplated by the Chancellor's Office for instruments in other areas, and

Whereas such instruments are needed by faculty to reasonably assess and place students,


Resolved that the Academic Senate endorse the changes in Title 5 proposed by the Chancellor's Office Task Force to Review Matriculation Regulations which are contained in the document "Regulations on Prerequisites, Corequisites, Advisories on Recommended Preparation and Other Limitations on Enrollment" (3/8/93) and endorse "The Model District Policy" recommended by the Task Force, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate work with the Chancellor's Office to conduct workshops to assist local faculty in implementing these two documents.

Model District Policy for Prerequisites, Corequisites, Advisories on Recommended Preparation, and Other Limitations on Enrollment

This model is written as a district policy for a multi-college district. Districts that have only one college may wish to edit accordingly. Indeed, even multi-college districts may prefer a policy that leaves more or less discretion to the colleges. Some parts of the model are specifically required by the regulations and, therefore, must be part of every district's policy. Such required sections are marked "Regulation" in the margin. Parts of the model are crucial to satisfactory implementation of the regulations and are marked "Crucial" in the margin.

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