
Student Mentoring: Responding to the Laroche Challenge

The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has held a longstanding commitment to increasing the transfer of historically underrepresented students. Particularly noteworthy in this ongoing effort of the Academic Senate occurred during the 1991-93 period when the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges adopted a Senate initiated, system-wide "Student Equity Policy" that seeks to address individual college responsibilities in this area.

Student Equity: Proposal for Action

No issue is more important to the future of California than student equity, than increasing the enrollment and success of under represented ethnic minorities. Unless we enable large numbers of students from many ethnic groups to be successfully integrated into the economic mainstream of this state, we will certainly have failed those students. That motive is reason enough for urgent action. However, even if one were ethically indifferent, student equity is no less important.

Greater Role for Faculty in Support of the New Majority Student

The purpose of the Student Needs Survey was to identify the needs of ethnic and language minority students to assist faculty in the development of methods and measures to prepare for the changing demographics of the 1990's, wherein ethnic and language minority students will compose a "new majority" in their classrooms. The purpose of the Faculty Development Programs Survey was to determine faculty opinion as to the current status and direction of faculty development programs in addressing the issue.

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