
Evaluation and Articulation of TMI

Whereas there has been a proliferation of technology mediated instruction (TMI) with coursework from a variety of providers, some of which have inconsistent and unknown standards,

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to provide to local curriculum committees and counselors guidelines for the evaluation and articulation of technology mediated instruction courses in awarding degrees and certificates.

Curriculum Committee Web Page at Every College

Whereas each California community college has its own unique practices in handling curriculum, and

Whereas it is in the best interests of the various colleges to compare their methods to those of their peers,

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge that each community college establish at its website a college curriculum web page that would have information on the policies and practices of their curriculum committees.

Senate Website

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges appreciates the work that President Bill Scroggins has done to make the Academic Senate's website a reality, and

Whereas the Academic Senate recognizes the time consuming and ongoing requirements necessary to maintain and expand the Senate website now and in the future,

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to allocate resources necessary to assist the Senate President to maintain, enhance, and expand the Academic Senate website.

Technology Institute

Whereas instructional technology is growing rapidly, and

Whereas faculty who may want to use instructional technology in the classroom may lack the expertise,

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to explore the feasibility of holding a Technology for Instruction Institute for several days during the Summer of1998, which would offer training in the use of technology for instruction.

Local Technology Master Plans

Whereas we are in an era of increasing use of instructional technology in all levels of education, and

Whereas technology mediated instruction will be a major factor in providing access to future student populations, and

Whereas primacy of the faculty in decisions concerning curriculum, content, and mode of delivery is mandated by Title 5,

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to develop a model college technology master plan that describes the role of faculty in the formation of policy, budget decisions, and implementation.

Publicize Senate E-Mail/Web Page Numbers

Resolved that the Academic Senate publicize a Senate e-mail address and the Senate web page address in as many Senate documents as possible, especially where the Senate address, phone number, and FAX numbers appear, such as
a. Inside page of the directory
b. Inside cover page of the session program
c. Inside cover of the resolutions packet
d. Executive Committee address list in session mailings and packets
e. Senate stationery
f. Other appropriate documents

Technology Sessions

Whereas to meet the challenges of the 2lst century the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has recognized the importance and significance of technology by having breakouts and technology demonstration rooms at sessions, and

Whereas session technology breakouts and demonstrations, while helpful, have nevertheless been fragmented because of lack of time,

Underutilized Senate Technology

Whereas the Academic Senate web page is completely underutilized, and

Whereas Academic Senate documents should be made more accessible to local senate presidents and local senates in order to promote local senate discussion and to provide opportunities for local input into State issues, and

Whereas local senate presidents have neither the resources nor the time to make multiple copies of Senate session documents for distribution to their senators, and

Face-to-face Requirement for Distance Learning

Whereas the Board of Governors has adopted regulations, allowing expansion in distance education through the year 2000, which require face-to-face instruction between faculty and students, and

Whereas advancements in information technology are offering increased modalities for alternative instructional delivery, and

Whereas colleges and universities throughout the state and nation are experimenting with the use of information technologies to increase the quality of the educational experience and to reach students who might not have access to the college courses,

Definition of the Term "Technology"

Whereas the definition of "technology" has been interpreted so as to be synonymous with computers and ignores broader educational applications, and

Whereas there is a variety of equipment used in disciplines that are not computer based but that have been affected by changes in technology,

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge colleges to acknowledge that the use of technology extends across college programs, and therefore funding for technology should be disbursed appropriately, meeting the needs of those programs and not being limited to the purchase of computers.

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