
Develop a Set of Resources to Assist in Establishing Ethnic Studies Programs in Alignment with California State University Requirements

Whereas, The passage of AB1460 (Weber 2019), which has driven the California State University to create an Area F in ethnic studies that can be fulfilled with the completion of a lower-level course, will have a significant impact on all 116 California community colleges in that students may fulfill this requirement through transferable courses from ethnic studies disciplines;

Counseling Faculty, Student Success, and Transfer

Whereas, Counseling faculty play an integral role in facilitating student preparation and success by providing appropriate and necessary support programs and services that not only help students find their educational pathways but also stay on their educational pathways, helping to fulfill two of the four pillars of the guided pathways frameworks as referenced in the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Vision for Success 1, which is vital to ensuring that students are able to meet their goals;

Support AB 927 (Medina, 2021) as of April 9, 2021

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges passed Resolution

6.1 F19 Reversal of Position Regarding Baccalaureate Degrees and Removal of Pilot Designation to remove its opposition to the creation of baccalaureate degrees in the California Community Colleges system and to urge the removal of the designation of “pilot” from the baccalaureate degree programs; and

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges passed resolution

Aligning Attendance Accounting for Asynchronous Credit Distance Education Courses with Synchronous Credit Distance Education Courses

Whereas, During the last decade the legislature has provided significant support for online and distance education to improve access to California community colleges, and during the COVID-19 pandemic online course offerings at California community colleges have increased exponentially in both asynchronous and synchronous modalities to support remote student learning while the global public health crisis excludes or limits face-to-face teaching;

Flexibility in Remote Attendance at Local Academic Senates

Whereas, Meetings of local academic senates and their associated committees are subject to the requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code sections 54950- 54963);

Whereas, The governor’s Executive Order N-29-20 (17 March 2020) states that “All requirements in the Brown Act expressly or impliedly requiring the physical presence of members, the clerk or other personnel of the body, or of the public as a condition of participation in or quorum for a public meeting are hereby waived”; and

Support AB 421 (Ward, 2021) as of March 8, 2021

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommends in the position paper Noncredit Instruction: Opportunity and Challenge 1 that the ASCCC should work with the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office to revise regulations and the Student Attendance Accounting Manual to provide noncredit attendance accounting options in addition to positive attendance in a manner similar to those available for credit courses;

Support AB 417 (McCarty, 2021) as of March 8, 2021

Whereas, Current and formerly incarcerated students face significant barriers in pursuing their educational goals, especially in higher education, due to restricted access to educational opportunities, instruction, materials, and services stemming from legal policies and financial limitations; and

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has numerous positions supporting the provision of equitable educational opportunities and support services for current and formerly incarcerated students 1; and

Revisiting the 50% Law and the Faculty Obligation Number

Whereas, California Education Code §84362, also known as the 50% Law, designates a minimum of 50% of a college’s general fund budget for direct instruction, but the current definition of instruction under the 50% law does not include support faculty such as counselors, librarians, tutorial coordinators, and any other faculty not actively in a classroom, and thus the 50% law becomes a fiscal and structural barrier to student support;

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