
Accreditation Standards Revision - Institutional Organization

Whereas the Academic Senate believes that the organization of the institution had a direct effect on the integrity of the programs and courses of study it offers, and

Whereas an administration may choose not to involve the faculty and support staff in decisions regarding the organization, and

Whereas board action may be an important opportunity for the faculty support staff and students to comment on matters of the institution's organization,

Accreditation Standards Revisions - Learning Resources

Whereas the Accrediting Commission's editorial committee in its proposed revision of the accrediting standards has omitted standards which required as good practice that institutions provide technical assistance and "support faculty.. in the production of instructional materials" (quoted from existing standards), and

Whereas this editorial committee has omitted reference to the institution's promotion of the "substantial use of library and learning resources" with "attention.. given to the needs of both traditional and non-traditional students", and

Local Senates and Faculty on Teams

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges reaffirm its position that the Academic Senate recommend to the Accrediting Commission that it inform local senates of the members of a visiting team as soon as the team is known, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to local senates that they be updated on changes of status of visiting team members, and

Accreditation Team Evaluation

Whereas evaluation appears to be an important component of the accreditation team process in that the chair is evaluated by the team members and each team member is evaluated by the chair, and

Whereas faculty and administrators may differ in their perspective of the subsections in the accreditation standards, and

Whereas particular standards (such as standard 2) or portions of standards (budget in standard 7) overlap with the AB 1725 eleven areas of academic and professional matters,

Accreditation Standards Revision - Financial Disclosure

Whereas existing accreditation standards indicated an accredited institution is one which provides for the availability and public disclosure of financial information, and

Whereas the proposed accreditation standards are void of the aforementioned standard, and

Whereas an institution of higher learning that enjoys the status of being accredited and all the rights and privileges thereof should not hesitate to make its financial information available for public scrutiny,

Accreditation Standards Revision - Commendation

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has, almost from its very first meeting, involved itself in the deliberations, policies, and the work of the Accrediting Commission, and

Whereas the Executive Director has encouraged and welcomed faculty involvement in the deliberations, policies, and the work of the Accrediting Commission, and

Whereas the Academic Senate Executive Committee provided voluminous comments on the proposed standards and the January 24, 1996 draft demonstrates that the Accrediting Commission honored many of the recommendations,

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