
Redefining "Faculty Productivity"

Whereas productivity models such as TQM/CQI are being promoted as a means to restructure the academy, and

Whereas often these models take the form of narrow application of productivity models, and

Whereas a review of the literature raises serious questions as to the appropriateness of such models in the academy setting, and

Whereas a faculty driven process would examine the components of educational excellence,

Resolved that the Academic Senate does not endorse the use of TQM/CQI as a model for restructuring the education process, and

Faculty Perspective on the Future

Whereas during the last decade there have been numerous documents published by non-academic entities recommending the future direction of higher education in California, and

Whereas each of these documents evokes a sense of impending crisis to propel politically expedient solutions, and

Whereas these documents do not reflect academic expertise or faculty perspectives, and

Whereas the Board of Governors are considering a number of these policy document as they frame their perspective for the future of California community colleges,

Adoption of the Consultation Council Task Force Report on Counseling

Whereas, The Consultation Council Task Force on Counseling was charged with assessing access to counseling services at California community colleges; and

Whereas, Counseling services provided by counseling faculty are critical to the mission of California community colleges and to the success of our students;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges adopt the document, "Report from the Consultation Council Task Force on Counseling."


Whereas, the Academic Senate has published three papers on the topic of professional ethics and integrity, (in 1988, 1994, and 2002);and

Whereas, Some faculty may not fully understand or be aware of the impact of their actions or lack thereof, nor have current tools and information to effect change in their students, themselves, and their institutions;

Textbooks: Model Policies and Ethical Considerations

Whereas, Local academic senates face questions and conflicts regarding textbook selection, price, authorship, copyright, etc.; and

Whereas, Local academic senates need guidance on the applicability of academic freedom with regard to textbook issues;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges produce a position paper on model policies and ethical considerations regarding textbooks and other course materials.


Whereas historically tenure was established to promote academic freedom, consistency of educational programs and philosophies, and

Whereas students benefit from academic freedom and consistency of educational programs and philosophies, and

Whereas the governor and some legislators are proposing the elimination of tenure,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges support the maintenance of tenure, and

A Symbol for Unofficial Withdrawal

Whereas an "F" does not accurately represent the performance of a student who has stopped attending a class as opposed to trying and failing to succeed in the class, and

Whereas in order to properly evaluate student success, this distinction needs to be clearly made,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges seek changes in Title 5 grading policies and procedures to allow for an evaluative symbol other than an "F" indicating an unofficial withdrawal by the student after the drop date, such symbol to be computed in the G.P.A. as 0 points, and

Transfer Committees

Whereas transfer is a major function of community colleges, and

Whereas AB 1725 gives senates a responsibility for student preparation and success in areas such as transfer function and student services,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges encourage local senates to convene a committee of transfer function services to enable the senates to more effectively support transfer function services.
M/S/C Disposition: Executive Committee, Local Senates, CSSO, Transfer Center Dir

Transfer Center Advisory Committee

Whereas local senate presidents are often asked to sign off without sufficient background on reports relating to a plethora of transfer functions (for example, matriculation and transfer centers), and

Whereas collaboration and communication are essential among faculty working in areas like transfer, included as one of the eleven areas specified as appropriate for senate involvement under "student preparation and success," and

Whereas the Title 5 required Transfer Center Advisory Committee is not necessarily a senate committee,

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