
Change to the Disciplines List - Computer Science

Resolved that the Academic Senate recommend that the Board of Governors adopt the following proposed change in the Disciplines List for Computer Science:
Master's degree in computer science or computer engineering OR
Bachelor's degree in either of the above AND Master's degree in mathematics, cybernetics, business administration, accounting, or engineering OR
Bachelor's degree in engineering AND Master's degree in cybernetics, engineering, mathematics, or business administration OR

Change to the Disciplines List - Accounting

Resolved that the Academic Senate recommend that the Board of Governors adopt the following proposed change in the Disciplines List for Accounting:
Master's degree in accountancy or business administration with accounting concentration OR
Bachelor's degree in business with accounting emphasis or business administration with accounting emphasis or economics with an accounting emphasis AND Master's in business, business administration, business education, taxation, or finance OR
The equivalent.

Transfer Centers

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges adopted a paper entitled, "Toward Increased Student Success: Transfer as an Institutional Commitment," (F96) and

Whereas in April 1997 the California Community Colleges Counselor Association (CCCCA) and Transfer Center Directors Association (TCDA) jointly published "Transfer: Recommended Guidelines," and

Articulation and Transfer

Whereas Resolutions 4.4 F94 and 4.5 F94 directed the Executive Committee to prepare a background paper and recommendations regarding faculty participation, evaluation, and funding of the California Articulation Number (CAN) System,

Resolved that the Academic Senate adopt the paper "The California Articulation Number System (CAN): Toward Increased Faculty Participation" to assist local academic senates to better understand the CAN process.

Academic Freedom and Tenure

Whereas Resolution 19.02 S95 supported tenure and its essential role in student success, and

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges reaffirmed support for the AAUP 1940 Statement of Principles of Academic Freedom (19.5 S96), and

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges directed the Executive Committee to develop a position paper on Academic Freedom and Tenure (19.4 and 19.6 S96),

Resolved that the Academic Senate adopt the document "Academic Freedom and Tenure--A Faculty Perspective."

Information Competency Paper

Whereas Resolution 16.02 F96 directed the Academic Senate to urge the Chancellor's Office and the Board of Governors to acknowledge that any development of information competency components and/or programs be the primary responsibility of the Academic Senate, and

Whereas library faculty see information competency as an important component of learning, and

Whereas the development of information competency components and/or programs is a curricular responsibility for faculty, especially library faculty,

Accountability Reports

Whereas local academic senates have the responsibility for local faculty development activities and district wide faculty development activities in accordance with AB 1725, and

Whereas local and district academic senates continue to have difficulty with the accountability of the use of staff development and staff diversity funds as these funds are used for faculty development activities in many staff development programs, and

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