
Adoption of "Good Practice for the Implementation of Prerequisites" Document

Whereas faculty are primarily interested in student success through mastery of course content, and

Whereas we must maintain prerequisites in order to satisfy certain articulation agreements, and

Whereas there are other methods available to validate prerequisites, and

Whereas it is absolutely unethical to experiment with students' education in order to validate research by allowing students to enroll in courses where there is a high expectation of failure,

Welfare Reform

Whereas California community colleges have worked to develop high academic standards, curricula that includes critical thinking, and strong support services, and

Whereas the new welfare reform legislation puts enormous demands on the community college system to develop short-term workforce preparation programs that are comprehensive, and

Whereas there are numerous agencies and organizations within communities throughout the State that can assist the community colleges in the successful transition of welfare recipients into the workforce,

Welfare Reform

Whereas the Governor has identified $50 million of Proposition 98 funds for 1997-98 to be applied to welfare reform projects in California community colleges, and

Whereas Proposition 98 monies were not intended to be used for welfare reform,

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge the Board of Governors to work with the Governor to identify additional monies, other than Proposition 98 funds, in his budget to address the expanded need for funds in the community college system created by welfare reform.

Welfare Reform

Whereas the new welfare legislation will have a direct impact on enrollment in the California community colleges, and

Whereas welfare reform legislation in California will limit the participant to one year of study, training and/or preparation for the workforce,

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge the Board of Governors to work with the Legislature and the Governor to extend the educational time line for welfare recipients to a two-year program.

Modification of Disciplines Review Process

Whereas the current academic senate process for review of minimum qualifications for faculty does not allow for any modification of the initial submission of a proposed change to the Disciplines List, and

Whereas some of the past proposals could have benefited through the amendment process,

Resolved that the Academic Senate change the disciplines review process by sending proposed changes to the Area meetings preceding the Fall Session of the year of the review for discussion and possible revision by resolution, and

Common Course Numbering

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has always supported student concerns such as reduced fees in order to promote student access and success, and

Whereas the Academic Senate is more than willing to work with students and others such as counselors and articulation officers in order to ensure successful student transfers, and

Presentation of Accreditation Paper

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges is considering adoption of the paper "Faculty Role in Accreditation," and

Whereas it is important for the Senate to disseminate the position of the Academic Senate to all major constituencies on the role of faculty in the accreditation process,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges conduct a series of breakouts at statewide meetings such as CCLC, ACCCA, and the Chancellor's Office Mega Conference, to present the paper "Faculty Role in Accreditation," and

Adoption of Library Faculty Paper

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges adopt the paper "Library Faculty in California Community College Libraries: Qualifications, Roles and Responsibilities" and recommend the paper to local senates for their consideration. (Document available from the Senate Office) M/S/C Disposition: Chancellor's Office, Council of Chief Librarians, Executive Committee, Local Senates, CA Library Association

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