
Adoption of the Plus/Minus Paper

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges adopt the document "Plus and Minus Grading Options: Toward Accurate Student Performance Evaluation" as amended. (Document available from the Senate Office) M/S/C Disposition: Board of Governors, CIOs, CSSOs, Ca1SACC, Chancellor's Office, Executive Committee, Local Senates

Staff Diversity Funds

Whereas the California legislature appropriates, based on AR 1725, and the Chancellor's Office distributes, funds to each district as staff diversity funds, and

Whereas an informal poll of the Senate faculty development committee has shown that these funds are variously distributed at colleges/districts, sometimes with little or no faculty input, and

Whereas the informal poll has also indicated that there is often no local publicity regarding how different constituents at a campus/district may use these funds, and

Engineering Technology

Whereas the two-year segment of the Engineering Liaison Committee representing Engineering and Engineering Technology programs in community colleges proposed the adoption of a Master's level Engineering Technology discipline, and

Whereas the proposal was deleted after the consultation and hearing process since the Master's Degree in Engineering Technology is not offered in California, and

Whereas the "1996 Disciplines Review and Time Line" adopted at the 1994 Spring Session allows exceptions for emerging disciplines, and

Changes in Disciplines List

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend that the Board of Governors adopt the changes in the Disciplines List as shown below.
Foreign Language: Master's in the language being taught OR Bachelor's in the language being taught AND Master's in another
language or linguistic OR The equivalent
Interdisciplinary Studies: Master's in the interdisciplinary area OR

Participation of Part-time Faculty on the Executive Committee

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has long been committed to full participation of part-time faculty, most recently expressed in Resolution 17.2, Fall 1995, and

Whereas currently no provision exists in the Bylaws of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges to assure participation of part-time faculty on the Executive Committee,

An Integrated Approach to Multicultural Education

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges adopt the position paper entitled "An Integrated Approach to Multicultural Education.", and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges amend the multicultural paper so that the terms in Table 1 which are not self-explanatory are defined either in the body of the paper or the glossary of terms, and

SB 1300 -15% Reduction of Student Fees

Whereas high student fees hinder access to the California Community Colleges, and

Whereas SB 1300 requires that California community college districts reduce student fees by 15% effective January 1, 1996,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges support the concepts in SB 1300 as they exist on April 2, 1995. M/S/C Disposition: Articulation Coord Council, COFO, Chancellor's Office, Executive Committee, FACCC, Governor, Legislature, CalSACC, Board of Governors

Plus/Minus Grading

Whereas community college students would greatly benefit from a more precise method of recording academic achievement,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges reaffirm its support for the permissive use of plus/minus grading, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges direct the Executive Committee to present a specific proposal for a plus/minus grading system, including Title 5 implications, to a future session.
M/S/C Disposition: Executive Committee, CalSACC

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