
Athletic Training

Whereas there were two recommendations to add a discipline called athletic training to the master's list and the non-master's list, and

Whereas individual colleges may strengthen their local qualifications,

Resolved that the Academic Senate recommend to the Board of Governors that the disciplines list be amended to add the discipline of athletic training to the non-master's list.


Resolved that the Academic Senate endorse the changes in Title 5 proposed by the Chancellor's Office Task Force to Review Matriculation Regulations which are contained in the document "Regulations on Prerequisites, Corequisites, Advisories on Recommended Preparation and Other Limitations on Enrollment" (3/8/93) and endorse "The Model District Policy" recommended by the Task Force, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate work with the Chancellor's Office to conduct workshops to assist local faculty in implementing these two documents.

Enrollment Management Revisited

The 1999 Academic Senate for California Community Colleges paper, The Role of Academic Senates in Enrollment Management, presented principles for effective faculty participation in developing policies and making decisions that affect course offerings. In 2007, an Academic Senate resolution called for an update to that paper, to provide senates with information that reflects various changes in the colleges and their operations since the earlier paper.

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