ESL Curricula Development

Whereas the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges in their Basic Agenda for 1990-91, lists as one of its initiatives "develop a consistent and comprehensive curriculum for ESL." and

Whereas the Board of Governors recently adopted a policy that recognizes the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges as the group with primary responsibility for curriculum-related issues,

Basic Skills Curricula Development

Whereas the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges in their Basic Agenda for 1990-91, lists as one of its initiatives "establish a consistent and comprehensive precollegiate basic skills curriculum," and

Whereas the Board of Governors recently adopted a policy that recognizes the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges as the group with primary responsibility for curriculum-related issues,

Affirmative Action Officer/Representative

Whereas a district that appoints an affirmative action officer/representative as a voting member of a selection/interviewing committee puts that individual in a conflict of interest position, and

Whereas an affirmative action officer/representative who votes for or against the selection of a job applicant is not then focusing attention upon due process, and

Whereas an affirmative action officer/representative who votes for the selection of a job applicant is unlikely to recommend that the process be aborted because of a violation in due process,

Economic Development Planning and Implementation

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to the Chancellor's Office that faculty be involved at all levels of planning and implementation of economic development and ED>Net initiatives, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to the Chancellor's Office that these faculty members be appointed by the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges.

Vocational Education Subject Matter Specialists

Whereas the subject matter specialists positions in vocational education are being eliminated or combined, and

Whereas the technological advances involved in vocational education require a high level of specific subject matter knowledge and experience, and

Whereas vocational education requires dynamic leadership due to its constantly changing roles, and

Whereas the need for liaison between the Chancellor's Office is increasing,


Whereas successful student transfer rates depend on effective curriculum development, and

Whereas we can only be as effective in preparing our students as the student performance data we receive from four-year institutions, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges direct the Executive Committee to express to four-year institutions the urgency of our need for reliable information and for the student performance data we need to function as effective transfer institutions.

Increase Community College Transfer

Whereas the mission of the California Community Colleges is to prepare students to transfer and to prepare students for vocational fields,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges adopt as a goal increasing the transfer rate and completion rate of vocational programs over the next six years, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges direct the Executive Committee to bring to a future session recommendations to increase the transfer rate and completion rate in vocational programs of community college students.

Student Health Services

Whereas wellness is important to the overall academic performance of California Community College students,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to the Chancellor's Office that it convene an ad hoc committee to study statewide student health services and to review the fee structure in sufficient time to publish a report by June 30, 1991, and

Resolved that the Committee include student representatives as well as representation from health services educators and providers.

Student Financial Aid

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges represents the faculty of the largest postsecondary educational system in the world, with 107 colleges serving 1.4 million students, and

Whereas the mission of the California Community Colleges is to provide open access to quality academic and vocational instruction to all who enter our doors, many of whom are low-income, disadvantaged and underrepresented, and

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