Full-Time/Part-Time Faculty Ratio

Whereas the intent of AB 1725 (Chapter 973, Statutes of 1988) is to improve the ratio of full-time instructors to part-time instructors in California Community Colleges, and

Whereas the full-time ratio has in many districts actually gone down, and

Whereas the statewide full-time ratio has likewise declined,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges reaffirm its commitment to increase the minimum percentage of instruction provided by full-time faculty, and

Reprisals Against Senate Presidents

Whereas local academic senate presidents and other officers are responsible for the implementation of AB 1725 (Chapter 973, Statutes of 1988) at the direction of the faculty who elected them, and

Whereas the accountability of the academic senate president and other senate officers is therefore to the faculty and not to the administration, and

Whereas differences will inevitably arise between academic senate officers and administration over the exercise of their AB 1725 (Chapter 973, Statutes of 1988) responsibilities, and

Funding Local Senates

Whereas AB 1725 (Chapter 973, Statutes of 1988) substantially increased the role of academic senates in shared governance, and

Whereas the administrative code (Title 5) now mandates implementation of regulations to strengthen local senates but identifies no specific funds to support these regulations,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend that the community college districts designate a line item in their budgets to provide funding support to local senates.

All Faculty in Governance

Whereas all faculty are empowered to be part of the governance of their institutions, and

Whereas faculty are strengthened when we support each other,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges reaffirm its Spring 1980 position that the word "faculty" always be interpreted to include librarians and counselors, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to local senates that counselors, librarians, and other student service and support faculty be included in all areas of college governance.

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