Honors Programs

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has supported student equity in all areas of student activities and the development of curriculum, and

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has supported honors programs in resolution 20.04 F98, and

Whereas honors programs have traditionally been a bridge to help students transfer, and

Whereas honors programs have sometimes been seen as elitist, favoring one group over others, but there is no data to support this view,

English Placement

Whereas both English and counseling faculty often are responsible for placement of students in the appropriate English writing and composition courses, and

Whereas the use of multiple measures has created on some community college campuses conflict over practices of student placement in writing and composition courses, and

Whereas the appropriate placement of students in writing and composition courses is very important for the success of students,

Web Advising

Resolved that the Academic Senate work with the California Community Colleges Counselors Association to develop for counseling faculty clear definitions and guidelines for web advising, including issues such as legal issues, student confidentiality, and ethics.

California Integrated Workforce Development Plan

Whereas California faces challenges to its collective well being, quality of life and economic future, and

Whereas the California Integrated Workforce Development Plan is being developed by four partnering agencies (California Department of Education, California Health and Welfare Agency, California Trade and Commerce Agency and the California Community College Chancellor's Office) to formulate a comprehensive strategy for the state, and

Whereas California's new economy and intense international economic competition are changing the way businesses operate,


Whereas AB 1542 (1997 Ducheny), the Regional Workforce Preparation and Economic Development Act (RWPEDA), required a memorandum of understanding between the Secretary of Health and Welfare, Secretary of Trade and Commerce, Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Chancellor of California Community Colleges,

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge the Chancellor to work with the partnering agencies united in the Regional Workforce Preparation and Economic Development Act to continue to develop policy which will result in regional economic goals statewide.


Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recognizes the importance of district-level support for colleges, and

Whereas district operations in multi-college districts have not been subjected to scrutiny by visiting teams sufficient to hold the district office accountable for properly supporting individual colleges, and

Whereas the Accrediting Commission has developed a draft policy intended to make multi-campus district offices more accountable for supporting the colleges in their respective districts,

Boards and Hiring

Whereas on occasion local governing boards will reject hiring faculty recommended by a screening committee and the CEO, and

Whereas local governing boards are not required to give reasons for not hiring a recommended faculty member,

Future Teachers Development

Whereas all community college instructors should be knowledgeable about learning theory and diverse learning styles, and

Whereas the need for well qualified community college teachers is expected to grow, and

Whereas courses in instructional methodologies have already been developed at some CSU campuses (e.g., CSU Sacramento and Sonoma State),

Degree Audit Check

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge local academic senates to support the adoption at their colleges of an automatic degree audit check when a student completes 45 units, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge local academic senates to support the use of a motivational letter automatically generated through their Management Information Systems (MIS) to students completing 45 degree applicable units which includes a list of courses needed to complete their Associate degree.

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