Adequate Support and a Designated Point Person for Formerly Incarcerated Students

Whereas, SB1391 (2014, Hancock) increased the California community college course offerings inside state prisons so that California community colleges are now teaching in-person in 32 of the state’s 35 correctional facilities;

Whereas, Proposition 57 (2016) will increase the number of individuals being released from state correctional facilities, and will prioritize those individuals who are pursuing college courses while incarcerated;

Whereas, Individuals being released are encouraged to continue their pursuit of higher education when they return to their communities; and

Academic Senate Involvement in and Sign-off on Grants and Initiative Plans

Whereas, The Governor of California and state legislature have been instrumental in producing legislation that has transformed and continues to transform educational standards in the California Community College System, such as the Institutional Effective Partnership Initiative (IEPI), Strong Workforce Program (SB 66, 2016, Leyva), Adult Education/Non-Credit Initiative (AB86, Education Omnibus Trailer Bill, 2013-2014) and Student Success and Support Programs (SSSP) Initiative (SB1456, 2012,Lowenthal), and other special grants such as Open Educational Resources (OER) Zero Cost Textbook Degre

Support for Federal Funding of Arts and Humanities Programs

Whereas, Open access to the arts and humanities allows students of all backgrounds to acquire a broad awareness of history and cultural diversity, develop critical thinking skills, and learn empathy for human experiences of all kinds;

Whereas, Inherent in the mission of the California community colleges is the preparation of students for a rich, meaningful, and engaged life that goes beyond transfer and career preparation to helping students develop qualities of responsible citizenship;

Support Use of Sabbaticals and Other Professional Development for Open Educational Resources Development

Whereas, Curriculum, including the selection and development of instructional materials, is an area of faculty primacy under Title 5 §53200 and the development of open educational resources (OER) is a worthwhile curriculum-related endeavor that will benefit students;

Whereas, Assembly Bill 798 (Bonilla, 2015) encourages the use of OER, and zero-textbook-cost degree efforts are underway that seek to provide an opportunity for students to earn a degree with no expenses associated with instructional materials;

Professional Development College Modules on Noncredit

Whereas, Resolution 13.02 F15 states, “the recent equalization of Career Development and College Preparation (CDCP) noncredit class apportionment with credit class apportionment, the ongoing funding for student success efforts including Basic Skills, Equity, and Student Success and Support Programs, and the Recommendations of the California Community Colleges Task Force on Workforce, Job Creation, and a Strong Economy (August 14, 2015)  are all resulting in an increased focus on the use of noncredit instruction to improve student success and close equity gaps in basic skills as well as prov

Expansion of the Online Course Exchange

Whereas, The 2013-2014 Budget Act enacted the governor’s Online Education Initiative to expand access to online education in the California Community College System and allocated $16.9 million for that purpose, and furthermore the Chancellor’s Office established the California Community College Online Education Initiative (OEI) to realize this legislation through the creation of the OEI Online Course Exchange;

Using Savings from Adopting Canvas

Whereas, Resolution 12.04 F14 “Using Anticipated Savings from Adopting the Common Course Management System to Support Online Faculty Professional Development Needs” urged “local senates and bargaining units to work with their administrations to ensure monetary savings from a district or college transitioning to a Common Course Management System (CCMS) be used primarily to support the professional development needs of distance education faculty making the transition to the new CCMS;”

Inclusion of Apprenticeship Faculty Minimum Qualifications in the Disciplines List

Whereas, “Placing courses within disciplines” is identified within Title 5 § 53200(c)(1) as an academic and professional matter under the purview of local senates, and no exception regarding the placement of apprenticeship courses within disciplines is cited in statute or regulation;

Whereas, Local senates are responsible for identifying and recommending to local governing boards the appropriate minimum qualifications to teach courses by assigning all courses to disciplines specified in the Minimum Qualifications for Faculty and Administrators in

Review Experience Requirements for Disciplines Not Requiring a Master’s Degree

Whereas, The professional experience components of the minimum qualifications for faculty in disciplines not requiring a master’s degree are identical regardless of whether or not the degree earned is in the discipline; and

Whereas, The lack of any credit from earning an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in the discipline directly related to the faculty member’s teaching assignment towards the professional experience requirement disregards the expertise gained by completing a degree in that discipline;

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