Enable the Canvas Name Preference Option

Whereas, Through the California Virtual Campus - Online Education Initiative, the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office has facilitated Canvas as the course management system for California’s community colleges, and participating colleges are using Canvas for online, hybrid and web-enhanced classes;

Whereas, Many LGBTQ+ students use a preferred name instead of their legal name and face discrimination or harm if forced to respond by their legal name;

Include Currently and Formerly Incarcerated Youth in Equity Plans

Whereas, SB716 (2019, Mitchell) requires county probation departments across California to ensure that incarcerated youth with a high school diploma who are detained in a juvenile hall have access to public postsecondary academic and career technical courses and programs, and community colleges are the best equipped to offer the courses and provide programming on site at the juvenile detention facilities and on campus once students are released to continue their educational pathways;

Acknowledge Extended Opportunity Programs and Services’ 50 Years of Student Success

Whereas, Amidst the struggle for civil rights and equality, California State Senate Bill 164 (Alquist) was put into law on September 4, 1969, establishing Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS);

Whereas, Extended Opportunity Programs and Services was established to “encourage local community colleges to establish and implement programs directed to identifying those students affected by language, social, and economic handicap…and to assist those students achieve their educational objectives and goals” (California Education Code §69640);

Adopt the Paper Equity-Driven Systems: Student Equity and Achievement in the California Community Colleges

Whereas, Resolution 3.03 F17 directed the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges to “revise the 2002 paper Student Equity: Guidelines for Developing a Planand bring the revised paper to the Fall 2018 Plenary Session for discussion and possible adoption”;

Replacing the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Inclusivity Statement

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) co-chaired the Board of Governors Vision for Success Faculty and Staff Diversity TaskForce and contributed to the creation of a system Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement;

Whereas, The ASCCC Executive Committee endorsed the California Community Colleges Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement at its August 2019 meeting to forward to the Board of Governors; and

Assessing Student Equity and Achievement Program Contribution to Guided Pathways Implementation

Whereas, The Student Equity and Achievement Program was established to boost achievement by closing equity gaps through, among other things, implementing activities pursuant to the California Guided Pathways Award Program; [2]

Whereas, College districts must, as a condition of receiving the Student Equity and Achievement Program funds, maintain a Student Equity Plan that is developed with the active involvement of the local academic senate, other constituencies, and the community; [3]

Academic Senate Caucus Restructuring

Whereas, Caucuses are charged to serve a critical role in the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) by “serving as groups of independently organized faculty to meet, network, and deliberate collegially in order to form a collective voice on issues of common concern that caucus members feel are of vital importance to faculty and the success of students as they relate to academic and professional matters”;

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