Education Changes Things

(Janet Fulks is a former member of the Academic Senate Executive Committee and has played an important role in ASCCC efforts regarding basic skills, guided pathways, and other areas. She retired this spring from Bakersfield College after twenty-five years in the classroom there. The following article, while not originally written as a farewell, offers the benefit of Janet’s experience and wisdom as she moves on to new challenges.)

Debunking Myths Around AB 705

Assembly Bill 705 (Irwin, 2017), now written into Education Code §78213, was legislation regarding placement of students into transfer-level English, ESL, and mathematics courses and in some cases college-level mathematics courses. Colleges are allowed to place students in pre-transfer courses only if students are highly unlikely to pass the transfer-level course and if placement in the pre-transfer course would maximize the likelihood that a student would complete transferlevel English or mathematics within a one-year timeframe or for ESL within a three-year timeframe.

Adopt the Paper Work-Based Learning in California Community Colleges

21.0           Whereas, Resolution 13.05 S18 directed the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges to “develop a paper that clearly explains and differentiates Career and Technical Education, Cooperative Work Experience, internship, and apprenticeship programs, including their regulations, funding models, and overall guiding principles, and bring the paper to the Spring 2019 Plenary Session for approval”;

Adopt the Paper Effective Practices for Online Tutoring

Whereas, Resolution 13.04 S08 directed the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges to “research and prepare a paper that addresses effective and non-effective practices for establishing online tutoring programs”;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges adopt the paper Effective Practices for Online Tutoring29 and disseminate the paper to local senates and curriculum committees upon its adoption.


Adopt the Paper The Role of the Library Faculty in the California Community College

Whereas, Resolution 16.01 F17 directed the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges to “explore methods to update and expand the content of the papers Library Faculty in California Community College Libraries: Qualifications, Roles, and Responsibilities and Standards of Practice for California Community College Library Faculty and Programs to illustrate the vital and important role that libraries and librarians can, and do, play in contributing to the success of our students”;

Encourage Accelerating Timeline for General Education Articulation

Whereas, The University of California reviews California community college course outlines of record for University of California transferability each summer;

Whereas, The University of California and the California State University review California community college course outlines of record for general education applicability beginning in spring term each year; and

Support for the CSU United States History, Constitution and American Ideals Requirement, Commonly Known as the American Institutions Requirement

15.0           Whereas, The colleges in the California Community Colleges (CCC) system are committed to providing CCC students with a robust civic education by offering courses in history, political science, ethnic studies, and women’s studies that equip CCC students with an understanding of the United States Constitution and American history;

In Support of All-Gender Restrooms on California Community College Campuses

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) embrace equity principles for all in its Values Statement [1], which states that the ASCCC “works to empower faculty from diverse backgrounds and experiences in order to promote inclusiveness and equity in all of their forms” and support this same principle as applied to all students and staff;

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