Course Basic (CB) 21 Rubrics for Coding Course Outcomes

Whereas, Faculty statewide from English, mathematics, and related disciplines in credit, noncredit, and adult education vetted the Course Basic (CB) 21 rubrics during the five March 2019 AB 705 Data Revision Project Recoding Regional Meetings;

Whereas, Faculty discipline groups drafted the CB21 rubrics using the federal educational functioning levels (EFLs) currently used by noncredit and adult education practitioners for data reporting purposes for funding and student educational level gains, including the Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems (CASAS);

Accelerate Review of ADT Modifications

Whereas, Associate Degrees for Transfer (ADTs) require review by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office to ensure compliance with the designed Transfer Model Curriculum (TMC) for each degree; and

Whereas, Colleges should be able to make minor modifications to an ADT that do not deviate from the relevant TMC and do not significantly alter the degree, such as the addition of courses, the removal of courses, and other course-related modifications, without undue scrutiny by the Chancellor’s Office;

Request the Board of Governors Undergo Collegiality in Action Training

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) passed Resolution 07.03 F18 “Improving Participatory Governance with the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges” during the ASCCC 2018 Fall Plenary Session, which directed action to improve collegial consultation;

Whereas, The Chancellor’s Office has taken concrete steps to improve its relations with ASCCC in several areas, including scheduling a Collegiality in Action training for the Chancellor’s Office staff during summer 2019;

Support AB 302 (Berman, as of March25,2019) and Identify Housing Assistance Representatives

Whereas, A recent study [1] showed that California community college students are increasingly housing insecure, with 1 in 5 students, or roughly 400,000 students in the system, currently being homeless, and that 60 percent of community college students in California have experienced recent housing insecurity and 50 percent have struggled with food insecurity in the last year;

Provisionally SupportSB 291 (Leyva, as of March 1, 2019)

Whereas, As of 2017, approximately 46 percent of California Community Collegesstudents receive need-based financial aid, compared to about two-thirds of resident undergraduate students enrolled in the University of California and the California State University systems [1];

Whereas, Many state and federal student aid programs are structured to help full-time students and thereforedo not benefit community college students who attend college part time,and student aid in the California Community Colleges is conventionally overseen by the Student Aid Commission;

Provisionally Support SB 3 (Allen, as of February 25, 2019)

Whereas, California law established the California Postsecondary Education Commission (CPEC) as the coordinating and planning agency for statewide postsecondary education, and CPEC performed a variety of useful functions for California higher education, including data collection for all public segments and advising the governor regarding budgetary priorities to preserve access for students, prior to being defunded by the governor and ceasing operations in 2011;

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