Support for Mental Health Awareness and Trauma Informed Teaching and Learning

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has adopted resolution 06.04 in spring of 2016, which urged “local senates to advocate for the improvement of and access to mental health services at their local campuses” and “support consistent resourcing and funding to enable the expansion of and improve access to mental health services for community college students;”
Whereas, The global pandemic starting in 2020 and continuing into 2021 has exacerbated and increased the need for mental health awareness, support, and education;

Remote Attendance Option for ASCCC Events

Whereas, Registration for the 2021 Fall Plenary Session - Hybrid Event is $325 for virtual-only registration and $580 for in-person registration (plus the cost of travel, accommodation, and dinner on travel days);

Whereas, Nearly 500 people attended the virtual 2021 Spring Plenary Session which is far greater than any other previous in-person plenary event, and attendance at other institutes held virtually, including Faculty Leadership and Curriculum, during the pandemic has been greater than attendance at in-person institutes held prior;

Greater Transparency in the Committee Appointment Process

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Bylaws Article V states, “the President shall make appointments to all standing committees,” “The President, in consultation with the Vice President and Executive Director, makes appointments to all other groups requiring faculty participation,” and “these appointments are subject to approval by the appointee’s Member Senate President” [1];

Honoring Lesley Kawaguchi with Senator Emeritus

Whereas, The bylaws of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) include procedures and criteria for conferring the status of Senator Emeritus for the purpose of recognizing the meritorious service of a faculty member upon or after retirement, and Lesley Kawaguchi has satisfied those requirements as a faculty member of the California Community Colleges System whose service has exceeded the required five years of significant service to the Academic Senate;

Honoring Dan Crump with Senator Emeritus

Whereas, The bylaws of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) include procedures and criteria for conferring the status of Senator Emeritus for the purpose of recognizing the meritorious service of a faculty member upon or after retirement, and Dan Crump, ASCCC Executive Committee member from 2002-2015, has satisfied those requirements as a faculty member of the California Community Colleges system whose service has well exceeded the required five years of significant service to the Academic Senate and includes:

Adopt the updated Periodic Review of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges

Whereas, In spring 2013 the delegates of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) directed the ASCCC, through Resolution S13 1.02 [1], to develop a process of periodic institutional review for assessing operations, policies, processes, and programs in order to ensure the public good and accountability;

From the President’s Desk: Governance in the New Normal

As faculty are returning to their classrooms, meetings, and other activities, the most consistent two refrains the ASCCC has been hearing are “we’re so happy to be back” and “we’re exhausted.” Faculty are facing a lot right now, and so, first, thank you.  Thank you for all you have done over the past eighteen months from the start of the shut down, and thank you for all you continue to do for your colleges, your colleagues, and most importantly, your students.

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