
President, ASCCC
Executive Directory, ASCCC

We are honored to bring you this special edition of the ASCCC Rostrum. In light of the events of recent months which has once again surfaced our country’s ongoing issues of systemic racism, accountability, and justice to the forefront, the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Executive Committee, and our Equity and Diversity Action Committee (EDAC) and Faculty Development Leadership Committee (FDLC), engaged Black faculty from around the state to provide their voices on topics ranging from personal experiences to necessary changes in disciplines, institutional constructs, and hiring practices. These articles are a powerful call to action to all faculty within our system. We hope that you find strength, hope, and unity as we come together collectively to listen to the stories and voices. We hope that you use the articles in this Rostrum as resources to continue to engage in the work of addressing and educating ourselves, our students, and our institutions. Lastly, we must not be afraid to use our own power, privilege, and position to change those systems that we have the power to change.

In solidarity,

Dolores Davison, President, ASCCC
Krystinne Mica, Executive Director, ASCCC