2012 Spring Plenary Session

Event Dates


Thank you for participating in Spring Plenary 2012! Presentations and materials can be downloaded by clicking on the respective links to the left.

Did you like the Mira and the Coasters' videos at the reception? Or maybe you missed them? Check them out on YouTube!

Bad Finance: http://youtu.be/XDgmtG3CxwA

Outcomes: http://youtu.be/KfrUwvR2HwI

Presentation Materials

Title Breakout Time
Where Paths Cross: Community College and the Common Core
The Marriage of Grants and Curriculum: Protecting the Faculty Voice
Textbook Affordability
Student Success Task Force Implementation Hot Topics
Student Success Task Force (General Session)
Student Success B.C.E. (Before the Classroom Experience)
Streamlining Curriculum Processes and Protecting Academic Quality: How Can the Two Go Together?
SB 1440 - Where are We Now and What's Next?
Responding to the Student Success Task Force Recommendations at the Local Level
Resolutions, the Cornerstones of Local and State Senates' Democracy and Governance
Repeatability: All Over Again
Rapid Response to Urgent Issues
Protecting our Beloved Bovine
Prerequisite Implementation
Our Definition of College and Career Readiness
Nuts and Bolts
Minimum Qualifications
Lions, Tigers, and Boards - Oh My!
Lessons Learned from Finland's World Class Educational System
Innovation and Value in Basic Skills and ESL: Got Noncredit?
Increasing College Readiness: A Collaborative Endeavor
Helping Colleges Prepare for Extreme Budget Fluctuations
Ending Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
Corporatization of Education
COMPASS II: Using High Impact Practices in GE to Maximize Student Success
Common Curriculum: Are We Really Losing Control?
Chancellor's Office/Legislative Updates
Building Connections with Other Campus Constituencies
Assessing GE and Institutional Outcomes
Anticipating Fall 2012 and Financial Aid Changes
A Degree with a "Guarantee?"