The 100:0 Rule - A Modest Proposal

Resolution Number
Assigned to
General Concerns

Whereas, It is agreed that students benefit when they have access to their professors outside of class;

Whereas, It is agreed that colleges benefit when their faculty are engaged outside the classroom in governance, curriculum development and evaluation of their colleagues, and that the profession benefits when faculty have academic freedom that is protected by tenure;

Whereas, It is agreed that the current practice of over reliance on part-time faculty is oppressive to those part-time faculty and does a disservice to their students, colleges and the profession; and

Whereas, The current practice of paying lip service to the ideal of a 75:25 contract to adjunct ratio is a demonstrated failure, having resulted in a net loss of 1% since 1989 in the full-time to part-time ratio;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for the California Community Colleges has determined that the appropriate ratio of full-time to part-time instruction is 100:0; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for the California Community Colleges seek regulatory and legislative changes that will ensure that 100% of the students, colleges and professors will enjoy the benefits of full-time faculty members who can earn the protection of tenure and contribute fully to their students, their colleges and their profession.MSR Referred for an indefinite time period