75/25 Ratio

Resolution Number
Assigned to
75/25 Concerns

Whereas Assembly Bill 1725 (1988) mandated significant reforms of community colleges in an effort to better serve the needs of a diverse California citizenry, and

Whereas the bill also recognized the pivotal role that full-time faculty play in student preparation and success and the tendency of districts to rely too heavily on part-time faculty to provide needed services, and

Whereas the language of the 75/25 provisions of the bill were specifically designed to prevent misuse of part-time faculty, and

Whereas in a recent action, the Board of Governors for the California Community Colleges waived the requirement for districts to comply with the provisions of the 75/25 regulations for the 1994-95 fiscal year,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for the California Community Colleges reaffirm its commitment to the spirit and intent of the 75/25 provisions of AB 1725, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the President to oppose the Board of Governors' position to waive the75/25 compliance requirements for local districts in the 1994-95 fiscal year, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge that the Board of Governors reconsider its position to waive district compliance with the provisions of Title 5, Section 51025 of the Education Code, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to prepare a breakout, for a future session, on how the 75/25 computations are locally generated and how to influence policy development and implementation decisions.