Academic Senate Campus Presentation Program

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Faculty Development
Status Report

These workshops were not funded this year.

Whereas the tasks of local academic senates are many and varied, often requiring expertise and experience beyond that available among the college faculty, and

Whereas the leadership of the Academic Senate and professional faculty organizations often has developed expertise and experience in both state and local matters,

Resolved that the Academic Senate develop the Campus Presentation Program to match the needs of local academic senates for information and expertise on such matters as faculty development, curriculum, and governance with those in the leadership of the Academic Senate who possess such information and expertise, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate develop materials on the topics and presenters available, publicizing such material widely through brochures, Academic Senate publications, and the Academic Senate Website, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate request that local academic senates, whenever possible, provide compensation for the travel and material expenses for such presentations but that the reimbursement of such expenses not be a condition of receiving such services