Addressing the Needs of Students Impacted by the Changes to Course Repetition

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Educational Policies Committee
In Progress
Status Report

The ASCCC has worked with system partners to propose a Lifelong Learning task force at the Chancellor’s Office Consultation Council to investigate this part of the mission of the California Community Colleges.   The current Consultation Council has not chosen to pursue this task force at this time but the faculty organizations are committed to pursuing this option.  In addition, the ASCCC has pressed the Chancellor’s Office for the creation of guidelines that permit the co-mingling of credit and community service students in the classroom and guidance regarding the audit fee.  Both of those efforts impact access to life-long learning.  

Proposer Contact
Mandy Liang, City College of San Francisco

Whereas, The 2012 changes to Title 5 Regulations regarding course repetition limited the ability of some colleges to address the needs of their lifelong learning student populations as well as other students in various disciplines and situations;

Whereas, Lifelong learning courses for the purposes of adult education and community service remain an aspect of the mission of the California community colleges per Education Code § 66010.4[1];

Whereas, Resolution 9.08 F14 “Impact of Changes to Course Repeatability” produced a breakout session at the Spring 2015 Plenary, but the resolution’s directive “to research the impact at the program level of the 2012 changes” has not been completed and therefore has been neither reported nor used “to inform future actions or guidance regarding this issue”; and

Whereas, In order to fulfill all aspects of the California community colleges’ mission, the system would benefit from a comprehensive analysis of the effects of the 2012 regulation changes and an exploration of avenues for meeting needs of students who were negatively impacted by those changes;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with the appropriate partners to collect relevant data and explore avenues for addressing the needs of lifelong learning students and other students impacted by the 2012 changes to Title 5 Regulations regarding course repetition.

